Gates of Prayer Cemetery
New Orleans, Louisiana
Photos by Lynn Franklin

Gates of Prayer Cemetery #2            
1411 Joseph St.              
New Orleans Louisiana 70119            
  Memorial Plaque            
  Copyright © 2012 Lynn Franklin          
  All rights reserved.            
Surname Birth Name Birth Date Death Date Inscription Comment Hebrew? Note
. Perr? . . . . . .
. Unknown . . . . Hebrew .
Dr. Max Jan. 20, ???? . . . . .
3845 Lazarus . 1892 Infant of... . H .
. Overturned Stone . . . . . .
. Overturned Stone . . . Between Nemy Bacharach and Rosalie Levy . .
3965 Hebrew . . . . Hebrew .
. Broken . Apr. 7, 1864 Aged 56 years ????????? France Possibly Conrad Folz? . .
Hebrew No. 102 . . . . Hebrew .
Hebrew . 1798 Jan. 27, 1836 ????aerchlicho??????ntum . Hebrew .
5372 Hebrew . . . . Hebrew .
. Sarah Oct. 18?3 June 24, 1856 (66?) . . . .
Hebrew . . . . . Hebrew .
5390 Leah 1860? . . . . .
Unknown . . . . . . .
. Estelle 1864 Oct. ?4, 1875 . . Hebrew .
Unknown . . . . . . .
. . . . Our Darling . . .
. Arthur . . Gone but not forgotten .. ..
. Fannie 1869 June 9, 1872 Daug. Possibly Fannie Heymann . .
. Seymour . . Gone but not forgotten . . .
??? ??? . Oct. 31, 1884 . . .
?????an Shelly . Jan. 18?4 Son of ?????????????? . . .
???ckies S. Dor??? Apr. 5, 1902 ????????? .3850 . . .
Hebrew Ya'acov bar SNIA?? . . . . . .
Hebrew Joseph ben Avraham . . . . Hebrew .
Hebrew SLMHZH bar Shimshon . . . . Hebrew .
Hebrew . . . . . Hebrew .
Hebrew HTzVY bar Yitzhak No. 103 . . . . Hebrew .
. Hayyim ben r'Itzhak . . . . . .
Hebrew . . . . . Hebrew .
. Broken Stone . Oct. 21, 188? . ...Beloved Husband . .
Aaron Adelaide C. 1839 1925 Wife of MosesAaron Dec. 17, 1924 H .
Aaron Moses Mar. 21, 1826 Nov. 4, 1903 Born in London, England . H .
Abramovitz Elias June 11, 1909 Sept. 7, 1996 Beloved husband . Hebrew .
Abramovitz Frances "Dakki" Apr. 16, 1911 Oct. 26, 1998 Adored sister, wife, tanta . H .
Alexander Bella Lobestein Dec. 14, 1870 Feb. 6, 1924 Beloved wife of Meyer Alexander . H .
Alexander Esther 1847 1935 Rest in peace Grandmother . H .
Allison Laura R. Oct. 22, 1948 Sept. 11, 2006 Beloved Daughter of George & Sylvia . H .
Allison Sylvia R. Nov. 23, 1921 May 14, 1976 . . H .
Arnold Herbert Apr. 1, 1908 June 20, 1994 . . H .
Arnold Sylvia Feb. 12, 1910 Oct. 29, 1967 . . H .
Aron Charles . Feb. 21, 1879 Born in Rauwiller, Rhin Alsace Aged 40 years H .
Aronowitz Geraldine Z. Nov. 11, 1923 Feb. 1, 2008 Beloved wife, mother and Maw Naw . H .
Aronowitz Morris Nathan Jan. 13, 1916 July 22, 2003 Beloved husband, father and grandfather . Hebrew .
Aronsohn Hermann July 12, 1839 June 17, 1899 Born in Fordon Ger. . H .
Aronson Levy H. . Oct. 19, 1924 . . H .
Aronson Moritz . Aug. 24, 1925 . . H .
Aronson Sophia Eron . Apr. 15, 1930 . . H .
Aronstein Caroline May 8, 1826 Dec. 24, 1883 Died in New Orleans . Hebrew .
Aronstein Max Sept. 29, 1824 Nov. 22, 1887 Born in Gollancz, Prussia . H
Arownowitz Saul 1883 1937 . . H .
Aschaffenburg Albert Nov. 12, 1868 Jan. 13, 1918 . . H .
Aschaffenburg Alvin Mar. 31, 1889 Jan. 11, 1934 . . . .
Aschaffenburg Elvine Schaefer Feb. 3, 1869 May 31, 1950 . . H .
Aschaffenburg Emile June 2, 1841 Oct. 1, 1898 Born at Landau, Bavaria . H .
Aschaffenburg Eugene A. June 27, 1899 Oct. 29, 1992 . . . .
Aschaffenburg Henry Jan. 23, 1872 July 8, 1937 . . H .
Aschaffenburg Isidore Apr. 28, 1840 Mar. 6, 1902 A native of Landau Pfaltz, Germany Beloved husband of Rosa Weiss H .
Aschaffenburg Janet J. Mar. 30, 1911 Feb. 14, 2002 . . . .
Aschaffenburg Louis Schwartz Jan. 8, 1895 Nov. 15, 1899 Our darling boy . . .
Aschaffenburg Ray Welsch 1872 1963 . . H .
Aschaffenburg Sadie Juliette 1900 1967 . . H .
Aschaffenburg Theresa Gugenheim Nov. 15, 1845 Oct. 13, 1908 Born in Weibrucken Rheinpfalz Germany . . .
Asher Abe Possibly Aug. 29, 1935 82 years Times-Picayune 8/30/1935 2:7 . .
Asher Adolph Jan. 5, 1855 Feb. 25, 1914 H/o Henrietta . . .
Asher Fanny Meyer May 27, 1821 Sept. 7, 1897 Native of Kaiserslautern Germany Wife of Henry Asher H .
Asher Henrietta Nov. 9, 1859 Aug. 26, 1931 . . . .
Asher Isaac Aug. 14, 1846 1916 . . . .
Asher Lena Feb. 16, 1848 Jan. 27, 1930 . . . .
Baar Mathilda Kallman Apr. 12, 1839 Mar. 12, 1915 A native of Prussia . H .
Baar Simon Apr. 8, 1836 Oct. 10, 1906 A native of Strassburg, West Prussia . H .
Bacharach Babette Adelsheimer . April 15, 1881 Wife of Frank Bacharach Age 69 Native of Germany Hebrew .
Bacharach Frank May 18, 1818 May 27, 1870 Native of ?ansbach, Germany . Hebrew .
Bacharach Isaac F. Aug. 31, 1883 Dec. 18, 1914 . . H .
Bacharach Julia L. Oct. 28, 1853 June 21, 1926 . . H .
Bacharach Nemy Neimeyer July 18, 1848 July 18, 1892 . . H .
Baer Babette Sept. 19, 1818 Sept. 26, 1905 Wife of Benjamin W. Schwartz Born in Ingeheim, Germany H .
Ball Bertha Waldman Nowak Feb. 6, 1892 Mar. 25, 1969 . . H .
Barker Edward C. Apr. 1, 1891 June 3, 1959 . . . .
Barker Ethel July 8, 1893 Mar. 4, 1967 . . . .
Barker Hannah L. Dec. 25, 1892 Aug. 17, 1969 Died in Hurricane Camille Long Beach, Miss. . .
Bashinsky Augusta Jackson Mar. 15, 1841 Oct. 14, 1916 Wife of Isaac Bashinsky Born in Powidz Germany H .
Baum Abbe, B. A. L. L. B. Nov. 27, 1909 Feb. 3, 1978 Beloved husband and father . . .
Baum Frances S. Aug. 8, 1912 Jan. 20, 1982 Beloved wife and mother . . .
Bauman Marie Angel . Jan. 31, 1914 Wife of Sigmund Bauman Aged 86 years. A native of Bavaria Germany H .
Bear Armand A. Feb. 16, 1852 Apr. 4, 1923 . . . .
Bear Arthur Leo Apr. 19, 1885 Sept. 19, 1920 Beloved Husband of Renee . . .
Bear Frances Marx Jan. 21, 1862 Jan. 15, 1934 . . . .
Bear Renee Samuel May 22, 1888 Oct. 26, 1980 God giveth his beloved sleep . . .
Beerman Raphael "Ralph" Mar. 9, 1912 Sept. 22, 2004 Beloved husband father and grandfather . H .
Behr Caroline Loeb . Nov. 24, 1898 Native of Hinsweiller, Ger. Aged 65 years Wife of Ferdinand Behr H .
Behr Edmond Sept. 13, 1889 Apr. 25, 1962 . . . .
Behr Ferdinand . 1906 . . H .
Behr Jeanne Schwob Apr. 9, 1891 June 3, 1928 A native of Paris France . . .
Benjamin Babette Levy Dec. 15, 1829 Nov. 11, 1910 A native of Bouxwiller, Alsace His wife [Lazard Benjamin} H .
Benjamin Lazard Feb. 29, 1829 Aug. 22, 1902 A native of Bouxwiller, Alsace Aged 73 Years H .
Berger David Jan. 14, 1857 Oct. 29, 1920 . . H .
Berger Max July 28, 1861 Apr. 6, 1922 . . H .
Berger Morris May 18, 1859 June 24, 1927 . . H .
Berger Sarah Greenewald . July 14, 1936 . . H .
Berke Milton Mar. 25, 1910 Jan. 3, 1984 Dad, you will be remembered always. . H .
Berke Pearl Bazar Feb. 22, 1911 Apr. 9, 1984 You will live in the hearts of your children and grandchildren always. H .
Bernstein Abraham May 10, 1882 Mar. 5, 1961 . . H .
Bernstein Harry Edward June 30, 1910 June 7, 1983 . . H .
Bernstein Rose Y. Apr. 6, 1911 Jan. 12, 1992 . . H .
Bernstein Sadie B. July 22, 1890 Nov. 10, 1965 . . H .
Bernsten Barnett . Sept. 7, 1894 Aged 40 Years . H .
Berry Manuel Sept. 6, 1920 Feb. 19, 1994 Beloved husband father & grandfather . H .
Birnbach Edith Cranow Apr. 3, 1924 Apr. 28, 2000 Beloved wife & mother . Hebrew .
Blackman Harry Sept. 24, 1895 Mar. 5, 1949 . . . .
Blitz Barnett "Bonnie" May 15, 1914 June 2005 Beloved husband father and popsie . Hebrew .
Blitz Yudice "Decie" May 21, 1925 Feb. 14, 2006 Beloved wife mother and honey dec . Hebrew .
Bloch Adele Mar. 22, 1832 Sept. 28, 1893 Beloved wife of Nathan Bloch Born in B????????? Alsace . .
Block Bertha Nov. 28, 1863 July 20, 1887 Daughter of Nathan & Adele Bloch 23 years old . .
Bloch Fanny Jan. 9, 1834 Dec. 15, 1905 May her soul rest in peace . . .
Bloch Jacob . Sept. 26, 1891 Born in Saverne, Alsace Aged 74 Years . .
Bloch Jacob Feb. 12, 1851 May 19, 1930 Father . . .
Bloch Nathan Jan. 31, 1830 May 6, 1896 Born Odratzhiem, Germany . . .
Bloch Rosa Feitel Jan. 23, 1854 Feb. 14, 1911 Mother . . .
Bloch Salomon . Oct. 28, 1890 Born in Cev Vor Alsace Aged 65 years H .
Bloch Salomon . May 28, 1884 Born Hagenthal Hant Rhin France Aged 76 years Died Bonfouca, St. Tammany Parish, La. Hebrew .
Block Caroline Aaron . Jan. 8, 1914 A native of Bouxwiller Alsace Aged 76 years H .
Block Gabriel Feb. 11, 1852 Sept. 14, 1878 Born Hohenonzollern, Hechingen Died New Orleans . .
Block Jos. H. Dec. 24, 1848 Jan. 29, 1939 . . . .
Block Lazard . July 26, 1930 Age 58 yrs. . H .
Block Rosa Diez Apr. 28, 1854 Apr. 1, 1892 Wife of J. H. Block . H .
Bloomenstiel Mose Frank Oct. 25, 1882 July 12, 1947 . . H .
Bloomenstiel Ray Weill Mar. 30, 1892 Auug. 23, 1970 . . H .
Bluhm Jessie Winsberg Mar. 7, 1907 Oct. 24, 2005 . . H .
Bluhm Leon Aug. 23, 1901 June 14, 1982 . . H .
Blum Caroline . Feb. 13, 1875 Aged 41 years . . .
Blumenthal Elgen . Aug. 24, 1863 . . Hebrew .
Blumenthal George Nov. 27, 1855 Feb. 23, 1927 . . H .
Blumenthal Gustave Dec. 14, 1881 Apr. 21, 1922 . . H .
Blumenthal Hattie Grombach Apr. 12, 1890 Oct. 30, 1975 . . . .
Blumenthal Henriette Hirschfeld Nov. 6, 1862 Mar. 12, 1917 . . H .
Blumenthal Rachel . Dec. 16, 1923 Age 73 Yrs Born in Truss Poland H .
Blumenthal Rachel Alexander Dec. 28, 1861 Dec. 29, 1946 A native of Germany . H .
Bodenger Charles Oct. 10, 1900 Dec. 27, 1958 . . H .
Bodenger Fanny Kahn Jan. 27, 1875 Nov. 23, 1932 . . H .
Bodenger Harry June 10, 1909 June 6, 1946 . . H .
Bodenger Helen Levy Oct. 22, 1910 May 29, 1946 . . H .
Bodenger Julius June 21, 1871 Nov. 22, 1937 . . H .
Bodenger Julius Levy Mar. 11, 1942 Dec. 6, 1959 . . H .
Bodenheimer Bertha June 25, 1854 Mar. 19, 1931 . . H .
Bodenheimer Emanuel Apr. 27, 1863 Aug. 31, 1938 . . . .
Bodenheimer Henry Apr. 7, 1880 Sept. 18, 1913 . . H .
Bodenheimer Leo Apr. 7, 1886 Mar. 2, 1931 . . H .
Bodenheimer Leopold Apr. 25, 1825 Aug. 28, 1884 Born in Di??bach Baden . . .
Bodenheimer Meyer . . . . Hebrew .
Bodenheimer Poulina Jan. 26, 1852 Oct. 8, 1858 . . Hebrew .
Bodenheimer Sarah Dreifus Apr. 24, 1824 May 7, 1903 Wife of Leopold Bodenheimer Born in ???non?eir Baden . .
Bookman Jeannette Sheiner Jan. 2, 1917 Aug. 20, 1996 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Bookman Melvin I., Brig. Gen. Nov. 30, 1915 June 14, 1987 Beloved husband father and Grandfather Hebrew .
Braum Fannye B. Feb. 4, 1907 Dec. 11, 1984 . . . .
Braun Henry Oct. 17, 1876 Mar. 23, 1931 . . H .
Braun Henry . Dec. 1, 1897 Born in ???eindorf, Alsace Aged 39 years H .
Braun Juliette . Mar. 31, 1870 Aged 18 Years 1 Month 14 days Dau of M & G Aronstein Hebrew .
Braun Leon Aug. 16, 1854 Feb. 8, 1922 . . . .
Braun Lucy Aug. 12, 1875 July 22, 1944 . . H .
Braun Rene May 29, 1894 Nov. 24, 1966 . . . .
Breen Doris Bowman Apr. 13, 1926 Nov. 16, 2005 Beloved wife, mother & grandmother . H .
Breen Samuel Jack Sept. 7, 1923 May 4, 2003 Beloved husband, father & grandfather . H .
Brill Bernard Montefiore . Apr. 30, 1905 Aged 17 Years . . .
Brill Henry Maier Feb. 1, 1851 June 15, 1927 . . H .
Brill Stella Schaefer Mar. 19, 1863 Apr. 18, 1941 . . H .
Brohn Bertha Mar. 1, 1864 Feb. 20, 1923 . . H .
Brohn Johanna Feb. 14, 1869 Aug. 18, 1919 . . . .
Brohn Rosa June 26, 1828 June 16, 1905 A native of Prague Bohemia In memory of our mother H .
Bronfin Lillie Schaeffer . Apr. 23, 1958 Beloved wife of Louis Bronfin . H .
Bruchis Jeanette Shushan Bienn Nov. 13, 1918 Nov. 23, 2002 Beloved wife mother sister and Grandmother H .
Bruchis Leo Max Sept. 20, 1914 Feb. 28, 1979 Beloved husband father and Grandfather H .
Buchwald Maurice Aug. 25, 1905 Apr. 4, 1919 Our Darling Sweetest flower and companion . .
Buchwald Max . Feb. 24, 1951 . . . .
Buchwald Rosalie Lobstein . Mar. 16, 1942 . . H .
Buckman Ben D. May 29, 1899 June 25, 1975 . . . .
Buckman Martha Levy Apr. 8, 1908 Nov. 2, 1981 . . . .
Burgas Jeanette Apr. 5, 1902 Apr. 25, 1913 . . . .
Burgas Morris Dec. 6, 1861 Mar. 17, 1952 . . . .
Burgas Rena Rosenthal Oct. 20, 1880 Dec. 18, 1958 . . . .
Burglass Samuel Nov. 27, 1890 Nov. 13, 1924 . . H .
Byer Victor Feb. 25, 1910 May 30, 1965 . . H .
Cahlman . . . Beloved husband and Father . . .
Cahn David July 8, 1814 Apr. 15, 1870 . . Hebrew .
Cameron Philip Leroy Apr. 20, 1888 Mar. 4, 1937 . . H .
Campell Andrea Nov. 19, 1921 Aug. 13, 2006 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother . H .
Campell Kohlman Apr. 12, 1911 Oct. 21, 1997 Beloved husband, father, grandfather . H .
Caspari Samuel . Mar. 6, 1880 Born in Lauterburg Alsace, France 41 years old Hebrew .
Cerf Caroline Heidenheim Aug. 20, 1851 July 3, 1913 Wife of Samson Cerf . H .
Cerf Samson July 4, 1840 Jan. 9, 1905 . . H .
Chapsky Morris Nov. 25, 1853 Mar. 23, 1922 . . H .
Chapsky Regina Aschaf Feb. 26, 1856 July 3, 1922 Wife of Morris Chapsky . H .
Chapsky Robert July 2, 1845 Mar. 8, 1900 Born in Prussia . H .
Cohen Anna Brodie . Feb. 9, 1958 Aged 83 Years . H .
Cohen Emanuel June 12, 1886 Feb. 11, 1912 . . . .
Cohen Goldie May 4, 1889 May 26, 1968 . . H .
Cohen Harry Oct. 8, 1916 Jan. 25, 1988 . . H .
Cohen Maria W. Rothschild . June 18, 1914 . . H .
Cohen Meyer . Feb. 24, 1933 Aged 62 Years . H .
Cohen Richard Irving Jan. 13, 1934 Mar. 21, 1968 . . H .
Cohen Sam Jan. 1, 1882 June 11, 1966 . . H .
Cohen Sarah Lynn Aug. 6, 1969 Sept. 12, 1990 Beloved daughter and sister . Hebrew .
Cohen Thelma Israel Dec. 16, 1916 June 3, 1993 . . H .
Cohn Albert Mar. 31, 1860 Oct. 14, 1918 Beloved husband of Jeanette Levy . H .
Cohn Edwin D. Feb. 2, 1869 Aug. 30, 1923 . . . .
Cohn Emile M. Apr. 4, 1857 Dec. 11, 1895 A native of New Orleans . H .
Cohn Emma Kling Nov. 27, 1867 Jan. 26, 1915 . . H .
Cohn Harriet Levy May 18, 1864 May 2, 1928 . . . .
Cohn Henry . Aug. 16, 1899 A native of Schirrhofen, Alsace Aged 66 years H .
Cohn Herbert Heymann Feb. 7, 1891 Sept. 28, 1927 . . H .
Cohn Jeannette Levy . Mar. 18, 1904 A native of Obernai, France Aged 70 years H .
Cohn Jennie Fishman Decc. 22, 1961 Dec. 23, 1933 Native of Kiev Russia . H .
Cohn Josephine Jan. 29, 1871 Apr. 27, 1918 . . . .
Cohn Julian J. May 22, 1862 Aug. 10, 1908 . . . .
Cohn Milton M. Jan. 4, 1874 Nov. 25, 1916 . . . .
Cohn Stella May11, 1895 Jan. 27, 1948 . . H .
Congress Harry June 9, 1896 Feb. 11, 1960 . . H .
Congress Sanford Jan. 10, 1930 Dec. 6, 1947 Our Beloved Son . H .
Cook Bertha Fink . Jan. 8, 1925 Wife of Fred Cook 37 years old H .
Cornman Leon Abraham July 9, 1923 Dec. 18, 1982 . . H .
Daly George G. . Oct. 30, 1947 . . H .
Daly Stella Meyer . May 20, 1943 . . H .
Dana Baby Jan. 16, 1950 June 5, 1950 . . . .
Dansky Max J. Apr. 18, 1908 Dec. 17, 1966 . . . .
Dash Berman . Oct. 27, 1890 A native of Posen, Prussia Aged 59 Years H .
Davis Sam Apr. 2, 1909 Oct. 24, 1997 Beloved husband, father and grandfather . H .
Deffes Emma Harvey . Jan. 3, 1900 Beloved wife of S. J. Deffes Aged 37 years . .
Diamond (Sarah) Fannie Shushan Nov. 13, 1915 Nov. 4, 1996 Mother Grandmother She embraced life. H .
Diamond Benjamin O. Jan. 22, 1909 June 28, 1970 Husband and father Loving and loved. H .
Dickerman Tillie Antis . Apr. 13, 1924 Aged 38 yrs. . H .
Diefenthal Bertha Mohr Sept. 2, 1850 July 30, 1889 Wife of Edward Diefenthal Born in Lingenfeldt, Bavaria . .
Diefenthal Edward Feb. 6, 1848 Mar. 14, 1894 Born in Antwerp, Belgium . H .
Diez Bena . June 22, 1897 Aged 72 Years Wife of J. Diez H .
Diez Emile T. Nov. 29, 1863 May 21, 1909 . . . .
Diez Frances E. 1868 1954 . . H .
Diez Hattie Sept. 6, 1857 Nov. 18, 1943 . . . .
Diez James . July 28, 1903 Aged 83 Years . H .
Diez Leon B. Oct. 30, 1859 June 15, 1940 . . H .
Diez Samuel B. . Oct. 10, 1882 Age 21 . Hebrew .
Dorsey Herman June 12, 1896 Feb. 19, 1980 . . H .
Dorsey Reba Schwartz June 2, 1913 June 21, 1960 . . Hebrew .
Dover Pauline Weil Jan. 19, 1865 Sept. 27, 1915 Beloved wife of Simon Dover . H .
Dreyfus Golda Schonbach Apr. 2, 1906 Sept. 10, 1974 PFC US Army World War II . . .
Dreyfus Hannah May 4, 1898 Jan. 8, 1899 . . H .
Dreyfus Henrietta Zadek Nov. 18, 1838 June 13, 1920 A native of Prussia . H .
Dreyfus Joseph H. . July 20, 1938 . . . .
Dreyfus Julie Buckman June 10, 1897 Apr. 30, 1957 . . H .
Dreyfus Leopold June 6, 1837 Apr. 17, 1911 A native of Kastel on the Rhein Germany H .
Dreyfus Max Mayer Dec. 31, 1893 Jan. 4, 1975 . . H .
Dreyfus Regina Aug. 26, 1816 Dec. 15,1897 85 years old . H .
Dreyfus Willie Aug. 20, 1874 Oct. 8, 1904 . . H .
Dryfuse Bertha Hirsch Nov. 27, 1867 Jan. 10, 1933 . . H .
Dryfuse Henry Sept. 7, 1861 Nov. 8, 1923 . . H .
Dryfuse Infant Son . Oct. 27, 1940 . . . .
Dryfuse Marilyn Miriam Feb. 1, 1929 Mar. 27, 1930 . . H .
Dryfuse Ruth S. . June 18, 1992 . . H .
Dryfuse Sam B. Feb. 10, 1899 Apr. 4, 1981 Beloved husband father & grandfather . H .
Dryzer Bella Gluck Jan. 13, 1913 Feb. 7, 1999 Cherished sister, wife, mother & Grandmother H .
Dulberger Jake 1872 May 21, 1930 60 years old Jacob H .
Dunstan Miriam Cohn Jan. 11, 1893 Oct. 8, 1957 . . H .
Durning Barbara Leopold Dec. 6, 1841 Apr. 24, 1914 Mother . . .
Ehrenfeld Levi Oct. 7, 1823 Oct. 10, 1896 Born in Hessen Nassau Germany . H .
Eichberg Emily Greenwald Sept. 6, 1859 Aug. 8, 1916 . . . .
Ekman Adrian S. Mar. 20, 1927 June 12, 2005 My friend and wonderful husband Your humor will be greatly missed Hebrew .
Elfenbaum Carl May 7, 1898 Feb. 3, 1954 . . Hebrew .
Elgutter Jennie Jacoby Apr. 21, 1863 Nov. 18, 1902 Born in Germany . H .
Elgutter Johanna Jacoby Dec. 16, 1861 Aug. 25, 1919 His wife [Sol. Elgutter] . H .
Elgutter Leopold Apr. 16, 1853 Dec. 1, 1921 . . H .
Elgutter Sol. Nov. 6, 1848 Oct. 2, 1906 Born in Kempen, Germany Died in New Orleans H .
Elias Samuel May 2, 1835 Dec. 3, 1918 Born in Bingen, Germany . H .
Elias Sarah Apr. 18, 1850 Sept. 25, 1935 Wife of Samuel Elias . H .
Emerman Joel Tilden Jan. 2, 1914 Apr. 13, 1986 . . H .
Endel Mamie Harrison 1865 1937 . . H .
Endel Simon 1863 1906 . . H .
Erenstein Meyer . Apr. 1, 1891 Aged 28 Years . H .
Falk Barbara Korns May 2, 1932 Dec. 25, 2003 Loving daughter cherished mother and Grandmother H .
Falk Hilbert L. May 31, 1974 Feb. 17, 1923 Beloved husband of Martha Aarons . H .
Fast Anna M. . Nov. 22, 1931 Mother . H .
Feitel Aaron May 2, 1820 May 3, 1900 Beloved husband of the late Mrs. Sarah Feitel Born in Befter???, Germany H .
Feitel Albert Mar. 6, 1878 Apr. 28, 1881 . . Hebrew .
Feitel Benjamin June 20, 1888 Spet. 28, 1937 Born in Donaldsonville, La. Beloved husband of Leona B. Feitel H .
Feitel Bernard Sept. 4, 1873 June 3, 1889 Son of Samuel Feitel and Fannie Seligman . Hebrew .
Feitel Bertha Wolbrette June 13, 1888 Apr. 26, 1946 Wife of Nathan H. Feitel . H .
Feitel Celina Feb. 20, 1869 Nov. 22, 1900 Born in New Orleans . H .
Feitel Fannie . Oct. 11, 1919 Aged 84 yrs. Relict of Samuel Feitel H
Feitel Gottschalk Nov. 28, 1843 Aug. 8, 1921 . . H .
Feitel Jasmin Aug. 16, 1876 Jan. 12, 1931 . . H .
Feitel Jules J. July 13, 1871 Jan. 15, 1921 . . H .
Feitel Myrtille Aug. 29, 1872 Nov. 9, 1917 . . . .
Feitel Nathan Dec. 8, 1827 Oct. 24, 1869 42 years old . H .
Feitel Nathan Dec. 14, 1911 Dec. 4, 1945 Beloved husband of Thelma Tank . H .
Feitel Nathan H. Mar. 11, 1886 May 22, 1934 Beloved husband of Bertha Wolbrette . H .
Feitel Rosa Levy Oct. 18, 1878 Sept. 29, 1929 . . H .
Feitel Rosa Meyer June 15, 1881 Dec. 30, 1945 . . H .
Feitel Samuel Dec. 27, 1835 Mar. 22, 1901 Born in Ettenheim, Germany . H
Feitel Sarah Heidenheim Apr. 10, 1822 Dec. 31, 1898 Born in Harnm. Germany Beloved wife of Aaron Feitel H .
Feitel? Nathan Dec. 8, 1827 Oct. 2?, 1869 Feitel possible last name . Hebrew .
Felix Marilyn Mattes Dec. 10, 1928 Dec. 17, 1989 Beloved wife mother grandmother and friend H .
Fendig Ella Teutsch Oct. 24, 1895 May 16, 1919 . . H .
Fendig Robert Apr. 22, 1886 Dec. 9, 1950 . . H .
Fendig Robert, Jr. May 16, 1919 May 19, 1919 . . H .
Fenton Dorit Berger Feb. 16, 1928 June 3, 2001 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Fenton Hugh R. Aug. 19, 1917 Mar. 24, 1986 Beloved husband father and grandfather H .
Finger Faye Jan. 29, 1905 Mar. 1, 1988 Beloved Wife . H .
Finger Harry Aug. 20, 1905 Oct. 24, 1985 Beloved Husband . H .
Finger Julia V. July 12, 1889 July 7, 1949 . . H .
Finger Molly July 27, 1901 Sept. 3, 1997 . . H .
Finger Samuel Apr. 14, 1889 Feb. 20, 1958 . . H .
Fink David Lee Mar. 9, 1843 July 7, 1919 . . H .
Fink Emma Feb. 22, 1854 July 12, 1935 . . H .
Finkelstein Rose Latter June 11, 1903 Jan. 5, 2000 Devoted wife, mother, grandmother and Great grandmother H .
Finkelstein Solomon Nov. 17, 1897 Oct. 22, 1969 . . H .
Fischman Annie L. Nov. 5, 1893 Sept. 5, 1974 . . H .
Fischman Jacob Levy, M. D. Aug. 7, 1917 June 11, 1998 . . H .
Fischman Nathan H. Dec. 10, 1885 Oct. 11, 1934 . . H .
Fisher Carl Abram May 24, 1902 Feb. 15, 1937 . . . .
Fisher Carrie Goldstein July 31, 1867 July 8, 1934 . . H .
Fisher Isidore Oct. 22, 1871 Jan. 22, 1926 . . H .
Fisher Jules G. Apr. 15, 1874 May 14, 1943 . . . .
Fisher Leo J. July 9, 1899 Aug. 20, 1917 . . . .
Fisher Ray Melina Aug. 4, 1900 Sept. 4, 1901 Daughter of Jake and Hattie Fisher . . .
Fisher Sadie Wachsman May 10, 1876 Nov. 1, 1946 . . . .
Flaumhaft Harry Dec. 20, 1887 Feb. 19, 1967 . . H .
Flaumhaft Pearl Nov. 4, 1897 Jan. 19, 1978 . . H .
Fleischer Louis Dec. 15, 1888 Oct. 11, 1918 Aged 29 years . Hebrew .
Folz Henry . Feb. 6, 1899 Born at ?enheim, Germany Aged 67 years . .
Forbert Julius Mar. 15, 1852 Sept. 8, 1923 . . H .
Forbert Rebeccah June 30, 1875 Aug. 20, 1955 . . H .
Forman Benjamin Jan. 22, 1919 Dec. 27, 1999 My love, our Dad, our Boo We miss you H .
Forman Florence Dec. 14, 1905 Nov. 14, 1987 Loving wife, mother and grandmother . H .
Forman James Aug. 7, 1903 June 27, 2000 . . H .
Frank Bertha Leopold 1866 1925 . . H .
Frank Caroline . Dec. 2, 1900 84 years . H .
Frank Elias 1858 1916 . . H .
Frank Harold A. Jan. 7, 1912 Jan. 10, 1980 . . H .
Frank Henrietta L. May 21, 1871 Sept. 22, 1958 . . . .
Frank Joseph May 10, 1877 May 10, 1944 . . . .
Frankel David . . . . . .
Franklin Rebecca Levy . Mar. 27, 1891 Wife of M. Franklin . H .
Freed Abe A. Apr. 26, 1882 June 21, 1936 . . H .
Freed Bernard May 28, 1859 Nov. 2, 1951 . . H .
Freed Fannie Feb. 4, 1884 Apr. 16, 1911 Beloved daughter of Mr. & Mrs. B. Freed . H .
Freed Gertrude Friedman Sept. 29, 1859 Jan. 7, 1937 . . H .
Freed Sadye Apr. 13, 1905 Dec. 12, 1947 . . H .
Freeman Vivienne Frankel Mar. 13, 1942 Feb. 4, 1997 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Freyer Eva Sperling July 1, 1862 Apr. 3, 1919 Mother . H .
Friedman Dobin Mar. 11, 1917 Dec. 1, 2006 . . H .
Friedman Louis July 16, 1901 Feb. 16, 1924 . . H .
Friedman Ruth Weisand Apr. 20, 1924 Apr. 28,2007 . . H .
Friedman Sam Sept. 24, 1885 Sept. 27. 1927 . . H .
Froimsohn Rebecca Simon Mar. 7, 1850 July 17, 1887 Wife of S. Froimsohn Husband Charles Froimsohn H .
Fry Mary Oppenheimer . Jan. 1, 1899 Wife of Moses Fry A native of Alsace France H .
Fuerstenberg Carrie Smith June 21, 1866 May 18, 1902 May her soul rest in peace . . .
Fuerstenberg Moritz June 28, 1862 Jan. 15, 1897 . . H .
Gaethe Mervin Norman Mar. 29, 1941 Mar. 2, 2008 Husband, father "Poppy" great grandpa and brother Hebrew .
Garfunkel George May 25, 1915 July 5, 1986 Beloved son and brother . Hebrew .
Geiger Amelia Blumenthal Oct. 18, 1853 Mar. 26, 1925 Wife of C. Geiger . H .
Geiger Charles Feb. 2, 1841 Apr. 1, 1920 . . H .
Geiger Lena . Jan. 9, 1897 Aged 77 years. . H .
Geiger Louise . Aug. 14, 1853 73 Years . Hebrew .
Geiger Philip . Dec. 12, 1888 Aged 68 years Born at Kurth, Bavaria Hebrew
Gensburger Arthur Leo Aug. 11, 1882 Mar. 4, 1953 . . H .
Gensburger Ruby G. Mar. 9, 1890 Apr. 13, 1965 . . H .
Gernsbacher Caroline Grabenheimer Mar. 13, 1824 Sept. 6, 1900 Born in Diedelsheim, Grosherzogthum Baden Wife of Loeb Gernshacher H .
Gernsbacher Loeb Apr. 16, 1819 Dec. 30, 1892 Born in Buhl Grosherzogthum Baden . H .
Glaser Hans June 22, 1902 Apr. 14, 1981 Natives of Vienna Austria . H .
Glaser Rachel B. De. 3, 1912 Dec. 14, 1981 Natives of Vienna Austria . H .
Goldberg Anna Friedman 1876 Mar. 13, 1932 . . H .
Goldberg Helen Rubin Apr. 5, 1917 Jan. 6, 2006 . . H .
Goldberg Henry Nathan 1865 Sept. 14, 1928 . . H .
Goldberg Paul 1917 June 21, 1966 . . H .
Goldenberg Alvin Benjamin Dec. 23, 1893 Nov. 9, 1930 . . H .
Goldenberg Athalie Levy July 4, 1865 Mar. 24, 1936 . . H .
Goldenberg Benjamin Nov. 25, 1848 Sept. 10, 1910 . . H .
Goldenberg Benjamin . Aug. 14, 1892 Born in Grosherzogthum, Hesse Darmstadt Germany Hebrew
Goldenberg Charles Dec. 2, 1882 June 12, 1914 Beloved son of Solomon Goldenberg & Sophie Weil . H .
Goldenberg Charles . July 14, 1866 Aged 58 Years . Hebrew .
Goldenberg Charles levy Feb. 22, 1888 Sept. 7, 1950 . . Hebrew .
Goldenberg Henry Feb. 5, 1884 Oct. 26, 1917 Beloved son of Solomon Goldenberg & Sophie Weil . H l
Goldenberg Jacob June 23, 185? Oct. 22, 1906 Beloved husband of Athalie Levy . H .
Goldenberg Rose Russ Dec. 18, 1892 Jan. 24, 1976 . . Hebrew .
Goldenberg Rosina Leopold . Nov. 15, 1888 Aged 73 years Wife of Chas. Goldenberg Native of Billerheim, Germany Hebrew
Goldenberg Solomon Oct. 27, 1855 Mar. 7, 1904 Beloved husband of Sophie Weil . H .
Goldenberg Sophie Weil May 1, 1859 Oct. 10, 1931 . . H .
Goldenberg Yetta W. May 16, 1868 Mar. 6, 1947 . . H .
Goldman Abraham Jan. 4, 1859 Nov. 19, 1916 . . H .
Goldman Annie Oct. 27, 1864 Nov. 6, 1914 . . H .
Goldman Louis June 1, 1881 Mar. 11, 1925 . . . .
Goldman Rebecca L. Oct. 27, 1885 Feb. 29, 1960 . . . .
Goldsmith Daisy Milner Aug. 12, 1903 July 6, 1981 . . . .
Goldsmith Henry Dec. 1, 1840 Aug. 15, 1878 Born in Prague, Bohemia 36 years old Hebrew .
Goldsmith Isaiah Oct. 9, 1883 June 14, 1886 Son of Clara Kline & L. Goldsmith . . .
Goldsmith Milton Feb. 26, 1903 Aug. 24, 1989 . . . .
Goldstein Bernard Spet. 12, 1869 June 9, 1930 . . H .
Goldstein Bertha . Oct. 30, 1914 Native of Gullub, Prussia Wife of Isaac Goldstein Hebrew .
Goldstein Bertha Lehmann . June 2, 1914 Aged 72 years . H .
Goldstein Elsie Deinard Silber Oct. 5, 1915 Oct. 16, 1999 Beloved and loving wife and mother . Hebrew .
Goldstein Fannie, Miss . Jan. 26, 1926 Aged 88 yrs. - 4 mos. . H .
Goldstein Flora Block Nov. 21, 1875 Sept. 16, 1933 . . H .
Goldstein Harry Apr. 22, 1919 Sept. 26, 1997 Miss the twinkle, love and generosity Beloved husband, father, grandfather Hebrew .
Goldstein Henry Oct. 20, 1860 May 20, 1905 . . H .
Goldstein Jeannette Dehlber Feb. 16, 1828 Mar. 23, 1908 Born in Weingailen, Rhenish Bavaria Wife of Pincus Goldstein . .
Goldstein Joseph June 9, 1866 Mar. 13, 1924 . . H .
Goldstein Josye S. Oct. 16, 1881 Sept. 13, 1972 . . H .
Goldstein Moses June 1, 1840 Mar. 2, 1907 Born in Billigmeim Rheinpfalz Died in Donaldsonville, La. H .
Goldstein Nora Ellen Sept. 5, 1875 Dec. 25, 1822 Wife of Sam J. Goldstein . H .
Goldstein Philip A. Nov. 27, 1864 Jan. 30, 1926 . . H .
Goldstein Pincus May 13, 1837 Oct. 12, 1881 A native of Ostrowo Prussia . . .
Goldstein Raymon I. Mar. 14, 1945 Feb. 15, 2004 Beloved husband, father, popop & friend . H .
Goldstein William Oct. 9, 1909 July 26, 1997 Beloved and loving husband and father . Hebrew .
Goldsticker Bertha . Jan. 3, 1959 . . H .
Goldsticker Herman Jan. 17, 1861 Aug. 12, 1894 Born in Paris, France . H .
Goldsticker Jeannette Levy Dec. 21, 1831 Oct. 15, 1918 . . H .
Goodman Celeste Levy . July 8, 1962 . . H .
Goodman Fanny May 29, 1839 Dec. 4, 1894 Born at Lauterburg Alsace . H .
Goodman Howard Aug. 16, 1937 July 19, 1900 Beloved son husband and father . Hebrew .
Goodman Julia . Sept. 26, 1892 Mother You are gone but not forgotten . .
Goodman Marks . July 21, 1931 . . H .
Goodman Philip . Mar. 6, 1921 Age 75 yrs . . .
Goodman Seymour S. May 14, 1931 Nov. 8, 1993 A man who lived his name . H .
Goslinski Bertha Simon Aug. 14, 1864 Jan. 10, 1932 . . Hebrew .
Goslinski Charles July 6, 1862 Mar. 21, 1938 . . Hebrew .
Gottlieb Rachel Jan. 19, 1883 June 4, 1916 . . H .
Granet Maria Kahane Oct. 1, 1905 July 24, 1991 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Granet Maurice Apr. 8, 1900 Apr. 15, 1993 Beloved husband and father . H .
Green Harvey Jack May 27, 1945 Sept. 13, 1992 Beloved husband and father . H .
Greenberg Bessie Makovsky Dec. 10, 1910 Sept. 13, 1989 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Greenberg Max M., M. D. 1907 1976 . . H .
Greenwald Judith Korn . Dec. 2, 1920 Wife of Leslie Greenwald Aged 34 years H .
Grishman Annie Levine . July 27, 1919 Beloved wife of B. Grishman Age 24 H .
Grodsky Infant Daughter . Jan. 8, 1975 Infant Daughter of Donald & Marilyn . . .
Grodsky Jennie M. June 29, 1920 Feb. 24, 2005 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Grodsky Sidney Aug. 16, 1914 Aug. 26, 1985 Beloved husband and Father . H .
Gross Aaron 1898 1943 . . Hebrew .
Gross Fannie 1896 1960 . . H .
Gross Jacob 1901 1970 . . Hebrew .
Gross Joanna B. 1905 2000 . . Hebrew .
Gross Moritz . May 7 1959 . . . .
Grossman Edward M. Sept. 21, 1903 June 1, 1966 . . Hebrew .
Grossman Rae S. Feb. 14, 1911 Aug. 20, 2006 . . Hebrew .
Gugenheim Joseph Aug. 30, 1818 Feb. 14, 1900 Born in Zweibrucken, Bavaria Died in Jeannerette, La. H .
Gugenheim Sarah . Mar. 1, 1883 Born at Saar Louis, Bhenish, Prussia Aged 52 years Wife of Joseph Gugenheim Hebrew .
Guggenheimer Lillie W. May 10, 1880 Mar. 8, 1965 . . H .
Guggenheimer Sigmund July 19, 1862 June 15, 1922 Born in Stuttgart, Germany . H .
Gumbel Jeanette Mar. 12, 1830 Oct. 25, 1898 Relict of Nathan Feitel . H .
Gureasko Beate Burgas Mar. 21, 1900 Dec. 9, 1994 . . . .
Gureasko Louis Oct. 25, 1901 Dec. 27, 1994 . . . .
Haas Marion Dec. 3, 1872 June 8, 1949 . . . .
Hainebach Alphonse E. Nov. 25, 1885 Dec. 26, 1984 . . . .
Hainebach Leopold . Jan. 21, 1904 Aged 57 Yrs, 8 mos . . .
Hainebach Melanie Schwartzchild . Dec. 28, 1941 Age 88 Yrs. . . .
Harriman Ruth Holland Dec. 25, 1905 Jan. 19, 1991 Beloved mother and grandmother . Hebrew .
Harris E. Burt Jan. 9, 1940 May 19, 1999 Beloved son, husband, father and grandfather . H .
Harris Emelia Jacobowsky 1836 Aug. 16, 1902 Aged 66 years 5 months & 12 days Wife of Louis Harris Born in Prussia H .
Harris Lillian Ruth June 26, 1923 Nov. 11, 1964 . . H .
Harris Louis 1827 Sept. 22, 1904 Aged 77 years, 8 mos & 1 day Born in Prussia H .
Harrison Abraham, Jr. June 29, 1893 Oct. 15, 1951 . . Hebrew .
Harrison Rose Buckman July 1, 1895 Aug. 17, 1958 . . Hebrew .
Hauser Fany . July 4, 1855 . . Hebrew .
Hayem Abraham . Mar. 3, 1891 A native of Metz, France Aged 48 years .
Hayem Audrey Janice 1921 1934 . . Hebrew .
Hayem Edward June 27, 1869 Apr. 3, 1962 . . H .
Hayem Florestine Kaufman . Jan. 20, 1939 Aged 72 years . H .
Hayem Isidore Feb. 14, 1865 Feb. 26, 1915 . . H .
Hayem Lazard 1874 1946 . . H .
Hayem Leah 1908 1943 . . H .
Hayem Louise R. 1884 1961 . . H .
Hayem Sam May 18, 1904 Mar. 28, 1968 . . H .
Hayem Sophie Lehman Aug. 21,1844 Aug. 12, 1926 Wife of A. Hayem A native of Ingwiller, Alsace .
Hechinger Judith Neuburger Mar. 20, 1818 Aug. 11, 1893 Relict of Isaac Hechinger Born at ???????, Wurtemberg H
Hechinger Julia . Oct. 18, 1858 Daughter of Gottlieb Hechinger Aged 3 Years 4 months Hebrew .
Hechinger Gottlieb 1825 Mar. 18, 1852 . . . .
Heidel Ida Elaine Finkelstein July 14, 1939 Jan. 22, 2002 Beloved wife and friend . Hebrew .
Heidel Richard Charles Feb. 16, 1949 May 12, 1979 Beloved husband . H .
Heidenheim Babette Feitel Apr. 12, 1830 Mar. 2, 1909 Husband Moses Heidenheim Mother H .
Heidenheim Emanuel . July 20, 1927 . . . .
Heidenheim Moses Mar. 18, 1825 Jan. 1, 1907 . Father H .
Heidenheim Simon . May 2, 1934 . . . .
Heninger Jacob June 13, 1860 Apr. 25, 1936 . . H .
Heninger Rebecca Kahn Oct. 25, 1871 June 24, 1926 Beloved wife of Jacob Heninger . H .
Herron Leonard S. July 4, 1930 Nov. 9, 1930 Beloved son of Abraham L. Herron and Katherine Borochoff H .
Herscovitz Dorothy H. Mar. 6, 1903 Jan. 9, 1987 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Herscovitz L. Walter Aug. 30, 1899 Mar. 9, 1973 Beloved husband father and grandfather H .
Hesinger Judith Mar. 20, 1813 Aug. 11, 1893 Born at Buchal, Wurtemberg Relict of Isaac Hesinger H .
Hess Juliette May 5, 1882 Jan. 19, 1916 . . . .
Hess Rachel Levy . July 10, 1933 . . H .
Hess Solomon Jan. 20, 1837 Aug. 29, 1913 . . . ,
Heyman Clara Welsch Mar. 15, 1813 Nov. 5, 1904 Wife of Isaac Heyman Native of Alsace Shihoffen H .
Heyman Hattie Block Feby. 14, 1858 Mar. 12, 1923 . . . .
Heyman Isaac . July 6, 1879 Born So??rho?e Alsase 84 years old Hebrew .
Heyman Julius Mar. 17, 1866 Mar. 15, 1922 . . H .
Heyman Maurice Dec. 25, 1842 Nov. 18, 1908 Born in Brumath Alsace . . .
Heymann Abraham Dec. 19, 1842 Nov. 11, 1904 Born in Gauersheim Germany . H .
Heymann Augusta Kranz Feb. 16, 1878 Dec. 5, 1911 Wife of Nathan Heymann . H .
Heymann Caroline Rosenthal Mar. 4, 1861 Feb. 13, 1935 Born Paris, France . Hebrew .
Heymann Helena Rosenberg . Sept. 3, 1903 Native of Alt Breisach, Baden Wife of Leopold Heymann H .
Heymann Henry Jan. 5, 1857 Nov. 7, 1910 Born Plotsk, Poland Died Thibodaux, LA. Hebrew .
Heymann Jacob May 16, 1845 Aug. 12, 1914 . . . .
Heymann Josephine H. Mar. 11, 1853 Feb. 26, 1929 . . . .
Heymann Maurice Oct. 19, 1873 1878 Son of Abraham & Pouline Heymann . . .
Heymann Moses . 1867 30 years . Hebrew .
Heymann Pouline Bombet Sept. 4, 1843 Feb. 27, 1921 Native of Saverne, Alsace . H .
Hirsch Bernard . Jan. 12, 1877 A native of Ladenborg Baden Aged 65 years Hebrew .
Hirsch Estelle Cahn Mar. 20, 1814 Sept. 9, 1901 Born in Frambourg Lorraine Wife of Jacob Hirsch H .
Hirsch Frank David April 8, 1921 March 9, 1982 A Beloved Man and Devoted Father Gave of Himself in Charity..... H .
Hirsch Gus. A. 1853 1922 . . H .
Hirsch Henry 1897 1936 Born Lake Charles LA. . H .
Hirsch Leah F. 1864 1926 . . H .
Hirsch Levy . . . A native of.... H .
Hirsch Pechia . Jan. 26, 1895 Relict of Bernard Hirsch A native of ???; Aged 84 years H .
Hirsch Rachel, Mrs. . Apr. 7, 1902 A native of Schierhaufen Alsace Aged 80 years . .
Hirsch Regina . Jan. 26, 1895 A native of Frankfort on the Main Relict of Bernard Hirsch H .
Hirsch Rose Manheim Nov. 3, 1913 Sept. 10, 1993 . . H .
Hirschfeld Simon Oct. 6, 1848 Feb. 14, 1913 . . H .
Hoffman Lily Russ Dec. 18, 1892 Aug. 19, 1988 . A Long and Fruitful Life H .
Holberg Belle A. July 21, 1878 Dec. 27, 1959 . . H .
Holberg Bernard Lee 1880 1934 . . H .
Hollander Adolph James Mar. 16, 1864 June 19, 1912 . . H .
Hollander David Charles Oct. 10, 1862 May 2, 1898 A native of New Orleans, LA. . . .
Hollander George Robert Apr. 7, 1934 68 years old . H .
Hollander Gus. A. . Jan. 28, 1905 Born in Hanover, Germany Age 79 years H .
Hollander Henry Oscar Aug. 1, 1868 Mar. 5, 1922 . . H .
Hollander Jennie Hyman . Jan. 13, 1953 . . H .
Hollander Samuel B. 1872 Apr. 28, 1932 56 years old . H .
Horton Monroe Mar. 12, 1933 May 7, 2006 Beloved husband, father, and grandfather . H .
Hoxter Estelle W. Jan. 21, 1923 Oct. 12, 1984 . . H .
Hoxter Peter F. July 3, 1921 Sept. 22, 1997 . . H .
Hudson Rose Antin Feb. 23, 1908 Dec. 21, 1993 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Hudson Walter Marshall Aug. 3, 1905 Mar. 17, 1987 Beloved husband father brother . Hebrew .
Hurwitz Bertha Jan. 23, 1905 June 15, 1986 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Hurwitz Robert David July 19, 1902 Sept. 1, 1991 Beloved husband and father . H .
Hyman George . Jan. 2, 1923 . . H .
Hyman Jacob Jan. 16, 1862 Nov. 30, 1910 . . H .
Hyman Janice Betty Himmler May 25, 1924 Feb. 28, 1994 . . H .
Hyman Leonard H. July 21, 1925 Sept. 20, 1981 . . H .
Hyman Menora Lobstein . Jan. 15, 1958 . . H .
Hyman Mrs. Pauline (?) . Sept. 19, 1916 Died in her ninetieth year Grandmother . . .
Hyman Sarah Aarons Oct. 27, 1865 June 22, 1906 In memory of my beloved daughter Wife of George Hyman H .
Hyman Sarah Simons July 14, 1839 Mar. 13, 1927 Born in Hamburg, Germany . H .
Hyman Solomon May 14, 1835 Feb. 3, 1931 Born in Hamburg . H .
Ik 5573 Jeanne . . . . . .
Isaacs Elise Strauss Oct. 20, 1886 Apr. 27, 1979 . . . .
Isaacs Heyman Jan. 10, 1884 May 28, 1972 . . . .
Isaacs Marilly . Aug. 1, 1865 Aged 12 years & 9 mos. . . .
Israel Abraham 1850 1910 . . . .
Israel Courtney L. Dec. 22, 1890 Jan. 11, 1986 . . H .
Israel Hattie Mar. 22, 1890 Oct. 20, 1890 ? . . .
Israel Isidore June 7, 1864 Nov. 11, 1932 . . H .
Israel Jeanne Hayem July 11, 1859 May 20, 1937 . . . .
Israel Jennie Meyer Oct. 15, 1866 Feb. 10, 1930 . . H .
Israel Leon Nov. 12, 1888 Aug. 13, 1963 . . H .
Israel Meyer 1870 1896 . . . .
Jackson Clara Cohen . Jan. 8, 1911 . . . .
Jacobs Albert . May 22, 1934 . . . .
Jacobs Bertha Kastner Mar. 20, 1864 Mar. 15, 1934 Born in Bucharest, Roumania . H .
Jacobs Maurice July 16, 1855 June 10, 1911 Born in Jassy, Roumania . H .
Jacoby Friederika Lewinsohn Aug. 15, 1839 Jan. 26, 1906 Relict of Michel Selig Jacoby Born in Germany H .
Jacoby Michael Selig Apr. 25,1830 Sept.7, 1890 Born at Rosenberg, Prussia . H
Jaffa Clementine Diefenthal June 21, 1873 Oct. 17, 1894 Beloved wife of Heyman Jaffa A native of New Orleans . .
Jalenak Bertha March 13, 1863 Sept. 14, 1938 . . H .
Jalenak Jacob June 19, 1861 Sept. 12, 1931 . . H .
Jessel Ben. A. Mar. 22, 1831a Dec. 31, 1905 Born in London, England . H .
Joseph Anita Apr. 8, 1916 Aug. 6, 1989 In loving memory of our "Nee Nee" . H .
Joseph Baby . . . . . .
Joseph Jeanette Levy July 28, 1856 Sept. 7, 1919 . . H .
Joseph Leon Apr. 23, 1855 July 4, 1940 . . H .
Joseph Sarah Karp Oct. 30, 1924 Mar. 28, 2003 . . H .
Joseph Sol C. July 16, 1920 Jan. 30, 1975 . . H .
Kahn Alfred Jan. 16, 1886 July 22, 1920 Born at Schirrhofen, Alsace . H .
Kahn Bertha Goldenburg Mar. 14, 1854 May 2, 1922 Wife of Joseph Kahn . H .
Kahn Charles J. Mar. 7, 1876 Apr. 11, 1900 . . H .
Kahn Hannah Weil May 6, 1894 June 28, 1914 Born in Schi???????? Alsace Germany Wife of Chas. Kahn H .
Kahn Jennie Hayem June 1, 1871 Dec. 28, 1957 . . H .
Kahn Jos. H. June 12, 1848 Jan. 4, 1915 Born in Alsace Lorraine . H .
Kahn Lucille July 28, 1897 Dec. 15, 1951 . . H .
Kahn Maurice Max Feb. 8, 1877 Oct. 3, 1952 . . H .
Kahn Pauline Levy Mar. 13, 1875 Dec. 28, 1940 . . . .
Kahn Stella Apr. 25, 1877 Mar. 26, 1884 . . . .
Kahn Sylvan June 21, 1890 Feb. 23, 1954 Louisiana PVT 151 Field Artillery World War I . . .
Kancher David Nov. 16, 1923 Oct. 29, 2000 Devoted and beloved husband, father Grandfather and friend Hebrew .
Kancher Natalie Hayem Dec. 5, 1918 Dec. 11, 2001 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend . . .
Kancher Samuel Oscar May 23, 1917 May 21, 1984 Beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend . . .
Kantrowitz Harry Jan. 23, 1874 Mar. 1, 1924 Born in New Orleans . H .
Kaplan Charles . Nov. 7, 1926 Age 85 yrs. . . .
Karel Baby . June 17, 1946 Infant son of Sybil J. Barker and Sam R. Karel . . .
Karel Sybil Barker July 8, 1915 Aug. 17, 1969 Lost in Hurricane Camille Long Beach, Miss. . .
Kassel Meyer Louis May 27, 1906 Jan. 20, 1995 Beloved husband . H .
Kassel Tillie Kauffman Nov. 9, 1908 Sept. 24, 1996 Beloved wife . H .
Katten Celestine Heidenheim Apr. 1, 1855 July 31, 1932 . . . .
Katten Simon July 21, 1850 Dec. 29, 1928 . . . .
Katz Abraham Feb. 17, 1857 Dec. 11, 1909 Beloved husband of Sophie Neuhauser . H .
Katz Babette Apr. 11, 1827 Aug. 14, 1883 Born at Dettwiller Alsace, France Beloved wife of J. Katz Hebrew .
Katz Bernard Sept. 24, 1881 Nov. 4, 1883 . . H .
Katz Gabriel Nov. 20, 1858 Mar. 20, 1909 . . H .
Katz Hassie Bernstene Dec. 6, 1870 Feb. 27, 1920 Wife of Julius J. Katz . H .
Katz Jacob June 8, 1835 Aug. 19, 1896 A native of Alsace, Germany . H .
Katz Leonie Samuel Sept. 21, 1861 Oct. 20, 1893 Wife of A. Katz . H .
Katz Matthias Oct. 6, 1862 Sept. 2, 1919 Husband of Jennie Levy . H .
Katz Meyer June3, 1805 Dec. 1879 Born in Landa M?ldeck . Hebrew .
Katz Ruth Leah Spinner Feb. 7, 1913 Jan. 9, 1988 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . Hebrew .
Katz Samuel Nov. 4, 1893 Sept. 29, 1909 Son of Matthias Katz & Jennie Levy . H .
Katz Sarah Dresdner 1856 1919 . . H .
Katz Victor Aug. 22, 1910 Dec. 12, 1999 Beloved husband father and grandfather . Hebrew .
Katzenstein David . Dec. 16, 1908 A native of Voelkershauer Sachsen Germany Died in New Orleans in his 75th year H .
Katzenstein Hanchen Oehlber . Dec. 19, 1891 Wife of D Katzenstein Age 64 years Born We?rgarein Rhenish Bavaria Germany H
Kaufman Abraham . July 13, 1944 Aged 91 years . H .
Kaufman Albert G. 1859 1916 Member of Live Oak Camp No 53 W. O. W. . H .
Kaufman Clara Gumbel, Mrs. . May 19, 1912 Wife of Jacob Kaufman Aged 83 years and 10 months . H
Kaufman Coralie Cohn . Dec. 4, 1937 Native of New Orleans Aged 70 years H .
Kaufman Ernest . Dec. 21, 1895 . . . .
Kaufman Ferdinand . Sept. 8, 1964 Aged 102 years . H .
Kaufman Jacob . Dec. 10, 1882 Native of Alsace, Germany Aged 77 years H
Kaufman Joseph July 18, 1830 Nov. 19, 1872 Born in Cologne . Hebrew .
Kaufman Leopold Apr. 8, 1856 Oct. 12, 1915 . . H .
Kaufman Mamie Clemence Hayem Aug. 23, 1867 Jan. 4, 1898 Wife of Ferdinand Kaufman . H .
Kaufman Otto . Oct. 25, 1918 . . . .
Kaufman Pauline . July 4, 1941 . . . .
Kaufman Sarah Levy Feb. 7, 1868 Mar. 12, 1944 . . H .
Kaye Florence J. 1919 1962 . . H .
Kaye Phillip 1918 1966 . . H .
Keller Melanie . Dec. 29, 1916 . . . .
Kern Meyer Mar. 23, 1860 May 19, 1903 Beloved husband of Mathilde Goldstein Born Waterloo, LA, died New Orleans H .
Kiersky Josephine Bodenheimer Nov. 26, 1850 Sept. 22, 1941 . . H .
Kirschner Adolph June 5, 1867 Mar. 13, 1907 . . . .
Kisner Alice K. Nov. 2, 1920 Dec. 8, 1977 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother . H .
Kisner Jeremiah, D.M.D. June 13, 1915 Dec. 27, 1975 Beloved husband father grandfather . H .
Klein Emma Kahn May 15, 1874 Dec. 15, 1943 . . H .
Klein Harold Aug. 29, 1906 Aug. 19, 1913 Son of Emma Kahn & Jacob Klein . H .
Klein Isaac . ???, 29, Born in Oschi???sa Possibly 1894 82 years Hebrew .
Klein Jacob Mar. 20, 1873 Dec. 26, 1921 . . Hebrew .
Klein Leopold July 18, 1878 Aug. 10, 1931 Beloved husband and father . H .
Klein Lillian Lobstein . Dec. 24, 1945 Beloved wife of Simon Klein . H .
Klein Mary 1829 Aug. 10, 1874 Died in N. O. La. . Hebrew .
Klein Yetta Potter Oct. 29, 1884 Jan. 15, 1952 . . H .
Kling Julia Hirsch Aug. 23, 1843 Oct. 14, 1918 . . . .
Kops Ennis Lubritz Feb. 20, 1916 Aug. 17, 2002 . . H .
Kops Murray J. Mar. 25, 1916 Sept. 4, 1989 . . H .
Koritzky Julius Nov. 14, 1899 June 9, 1979 . . . .
Korn Abraham Benjamin Nov. 11, 1886 Dec. 2, 1975 . . H .
Korn Bluma Davis Dec. 3, 1910 May 4, 2005 Beloved wife mother and friend . Hebrew .
Korn David Marcus May 15, 1918 Mar. 5, 1945 . . H .
Korn Louis Isaac Oct. 27, 1912 Feb. 6, 2002 Beloved husband father and friend . Hebrew .
Korn Sarah Parody Jan. 25, 1881 Dec. 17, 1968 . . H .
Korns Alfred J. May 15, 1907 Mar. 14, 1978 Devoted husband father and grandfather . H .
Korns Florence Oct. 2, 1909 July 8, 2002 Beloved wife mother grandmother and Great Grandmother H .
Korns Heyman Charles June 8, 1910 Mar. 6, 2007 Beloved husband and father . H .
Korns Minna Steinman June 30, 1910 Mar. 17, 1999 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Kossack Esther . Dec. 4, 1923 Aged 55 yrs . H .
Kovner Estelle June 26, 1924 May 26, 2005 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Krandel Benjamin May 10, 1896 July 21, 1951 . . H .
Krandel Flossie Feb. 4, 1900 Mar. 1, 1990 . . H .
Krantrowitz Michel Jan. 21, 1844 Feb. 14, 1914 . . H .
Krantrowitz Rebecca Jan. 8, 1847 Feb. 22, 1907 . . H .
Krasnoff Anna Rodman Nov. 25, 1911 Aug. 4, 1993 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Krasnoff Leon Oct. 15, 1908 Nov. 29, 1994 Beloved husband and father . H .
Kratzenstein Rachel May 11, 1854 July 21, 1871 Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Died in N. O. Hebrew .
Kraus David A. Aug. 24, 1918 Mar. 15, 1987 Beloved husband father grandfather H .
Kuhn Caroline . May 22, 1892 Aged 80 years Relict of Samuel Kuhn Born in Ebertsheim, Rheinpfalz H
Kuhn Grace Shelley Spiro Nov. 30, 1957 Apr. 4, 2006 . . H .
Kuhn Jeannette . Jan. 8, 1920 Born in Deidesheim, Rheinphalz, Bavaria Aged 81 years H .
Kuhn Karl July 6, 1947 Feb. 1, 1896 Born at Ebertsheim, Rheinsfaltz, Bavaria . Hebrew .
Kuhn Nathan June 18, 1849 Oct. 9, 1876 Born at ??????? Rhein Pfal Germany Aged 27 years Hebrew .
Kuhn Phalia C. Apr. ??, 1877 Mar. 5, 1881 Nathalia Stern . . .
Kuhn Samuel . . . . Hebrew .
Kuhn Solomon Aug. 27, 1844 Feb. 15, 1896 Born in Ebertsheim, Rheinpfalz, Bavaria Upright among men, happy in life, beloved unto death H .
Kupperman Maxine Salem Apr. 23, 1920 Aug. 14, 1945 . . Hebrew .
Labe Henry Feb. 7, 1965 Oct. 6, 1925 . . H .
Lake Clara W. Dec. 25, 1888 Mar. 2, 1966 . . H .
Lake Marion L. Dec. 6, 1913 Oct. 17, 2000 . . H .
Lake Morris Apr. 11, 1877 Apr. 26, 1974 . . H .
Landau Julius Meyer Aug. 12, 1886 Jan. 18, 1919 . . H .
Landau Marcus Elias July 31, 1915 Nov. 19, 1977 . . . .
Landau Mildred Sizeler Sept. 10, 1914 Jan. 15, 2000 . . . .
Landau Muriel Aug. 2, 1913 Jan. 19, 1919 Beloved daughter of Julius Landau and Rose Joseph . .
Landau Rose Joseph Jan. 24, 1888 Dec. 31, 1972 . . H .
Lansberg Emanuel 1911 1975 . . H .
Lansberg Rose Kivo 1913 2003 . . H .
Lashover Emanuel S. May 1, 1915 Apr. 1, 1964 . . H .
Lashover Rachel Ruth Himmler Nov. 21, 1921 June 21, 1994 . . H .
Lazard David Jan. 23, 1830 May 6, 18?6 Died in ??????, Miss. . Hebrew .
Lazarus Flora Pike . Dec. 22, 1899 Our Darling Mother . . .
Lefaux Julia Levy . Nov. 22, 1915 Aged 60 years . H .
Lefkowitz Augusta Chapsky June 29, 1861 Nov. 15, 1920 Born in Krotoschin, Posen . H .
Lehman Achille . Jan. 20, 1929 49 years old . H .
Lehman Edward J. Aug. 21, 1875 Feb. 25, 1920 . . H .
Lehman Henry Sept. 27, 1867 July 31, 1925 . . H .
Lehman Isaac Dec. 30,1814 Sept.25, 1889 Born at Billigheim RheinBaiern . H
Lehman Joseph Oct. 4, 1868 Sept. 18, 1892 . Hebrew
Lehman Leon Aug. 11, 1838 Feb. 12, 1902 Born in Bochingen, Bavaria Husband of Sarah Strolitz H .
Lehman Leon . Sept. 17, 1873 A native of Ingwiller Alsace Aged 40 years Hebrew .
Lehman Lillie Aug. 22, 1872 June 9, 1966 . . . .
Lehman Louis . Jan. 5, 1929 . . . .
Lehman Minnie Schwartz . May 2, 1932 53 years old Husband Henry Lehman H .
Lehmann Samuel . Jan. 26, 1893 A native of Lembach, Alsace Died at New Orleans  Aged 75 years H .
Lehman Sarah Strolitz Dec. 8, 1832 Apr. 30, 1912 Native of Duppigheim, Alsace Lorraine Wife of Leon Lehman H .
Lemle Babet von Ingenheim . Aug. 1868 Rheinplatz Aged 24 years Hebrew .
Lennie Annie Goldberg May 10, 1860 Feb. 3, 1939 Wife of John Lennie . H .
Leopold Abraham . July 21, 1898 Native of Biedesheim, Rhine, Bavaria Aged 73 Years H .
Leopold Alvin Ralph Oct. 7, 1899 Jan. 28, 1960 . . H .
Leopold Amelia Jan. 17, 1849 Dec. 19, 1931 . . H .
Leopold Arthur B. Mar. 31, 1876 Apr. 5, 1939 . . H .
Leopold Arthur D. July 21, 1895 Jan. 17, 1966 . . H .
Leopold Augusta Rosenthal Mar. 27, 1868 July 18, 1941 . . H .
Leopold Benjamin Dec. 26, 1854 Mar. 18, 1906 . . H .
Leopold Benjamin July 25, 1849 Sept. 22, 1868 . . Hebrew .
Leopold Bertha . May 3, 1874 22 years old . Hebrew .
Leopold Besle . Apr. 1, 1868 Consort of L. Leopold Aged 65 years Hebrew .
Leopold Blanche Jan. 6, 1869 Apr. 11, 1926 . . H .
Leopold Caroline . Apr. 12, 1876 . . . .
Leopold Feis Apr. 18, 1812 Nov. 22, 1883 Born in Beidesheim, Bavaria . Hebrew .
Leopold Floret Meyer . May 4, 1897 Native of Kaiserlautern Germany Wife of Solomon Leopold Aged 72 yrs H .
Leopold Harriet, Mrs. . Sept. 27, 1929 . . H .
Leopold Harry Jan. 1, 1875 Feb. 12, 1940 . . H .
Leopold Jacob 1842 1907 Born in Albisheim Rheinphaltz Germany Peaceful be thy silent slumber H .
Leopold Jacob . Apr. 11, 1871 . . Hebrew .
Leopold Karl L. Apr. 1876 June, 1, 1876 Son of Jacob Leopold . . .
Leopold Loeb . Dec. 19, 1874 Aged 68 years . Hebrew .
Leopold Molly Finger July 27, 1901 Sept. 3, 1997 . . H .
Leopold Pauline Sept. 29, 1864 Nov. 17, 1937 . . H .
Leopold Racheal . Jan. 23, 1885 Aged 75 yrs. . H
Leopold Rea R. Mar. 28, 1898 July 3, 1986 . . H .
Leopold Rose . Nov. 27, 1899 Native of New Orleans Aged 47 Years H .
Leopold Rose Raitman . Sept. 16, 2007 . . H .
Leopold Simon 1837 1905 Born in Albisheim, Rhein Phaltz, Germany . H .
Leopold Sol B. Sept. 15, 1897 Dec. 29, 1966 . . H .
Leopold Solomon . May 3, 1897 Native of Seidesheim, Rhine Bavaria Aged 76 Years H .
Leopold Sydney . Jan. 7, 1929 . . H .
Leopold Theresa Sept. 26, 1822 June 17, 1902 Born at Blies Kastel Rheinish Bavaria Germany Wife of Feiss Leopold H .
Levin Leon Oct. 15, 1900 Dec. 15, 1993 Beloved Daddy & Paw-Paw Don't worry about nothing H .
Levin Sara Ezkovich Jan. 14, 1904 Dec. 15, 1991 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Levine David Jerrold Dec. 18, 1928 Oct. 1, 1983 Beloved husband and Father . H .
Levy Abraham July 9, 1877 July 13, 1926 . . . .
Levy Alexander Dec. 15, 1834 Aug.18, 1889 Born in Ingwiller, Alsace . Hebrew
Levy Arthur Aug. 15, 1884 Apr. 30, 1888 . . . .
Levy Belle 1879 Dec. 25,1943 . . . .
Levy Bertha . Jan. 7, 1869 Aged 31 years Born Kr?tze. Astily? A. M. 5629 . .
Levy Beulah Aug. 8, 1892 July 23, 1975 . . . .
Levy Blanche Hayem July 16, 1878 Feb. 18, 1956 . . H .
Levy Caroline . Sept. 3, 1858 Daughter of Lehman Levy Aged 3 Years 4 months 5618 Hebrew .
Levy Caroline Aaron Mar. 22, 1842 Jan. 15, 1921 Born in Bouxviller, Alsace Wife of David Levy H .
Levy Caroline March Nov. 11, 1838 Oc.t 26, 1896 Born in Hechingen Germany Died in Monroe La. H
Levy Caroline Ury Oct. 24, 1850 Jan. 13, 1909 Beloved wife of Leopold Levy . H .
Levy Celestine Dec. 28, 1872 Dec. 11, 1888 . . .
Levy Clementine 1864 1936 . . H .
Levy David Jan. 8, 1858 May 22, 1911 . . H .
Levy David Oct. 22, 1810 Apr. 5, 1888 Born in Sarrebourg, France . Hebrew
Levy David Elie July 30, 1900 Nov. 1, 1918 . . H .
Levy Ella Welsch Sept. 21, 1884 June 8, 1944 . . H .
Levy Emanuel Mar. 31, 1861 June 30, 1936 . . . .
Levy Emanuel . Mar. 12, 1888 Born in ????er, Germany .Here Rests Beloved.... Hebrew
Levy Emilie Cahn . June 8, 1890 Born in Ouiller, Germany Died in New Orleans Aged 80 years Wife of ??????? Levy Hebrew .
Levy Ernest Aug. 6, 1878 Jan. 6, 1943 . . H .
Levy Ernest . Sept. 7, 1901 40 years old . . .
Levy Estelle Aaron Nov. 30, 1876 June 4, 1925 . . H .
Levy Fannie H. July 12, 1876 Feb. 3, 1942 . . H .
Levy Fanny Dec. 7, 1824 Apr. 3, 1908 Wife of Lehmann Levy . H .
Levy Fanny Oct. 22, 1883 May 14, 1884 . . . .
Levy Fannye Mann Nov. 2, 1876 Apr. 2, 1937 . . H .
Levy Hattie Meyer Jan. 4, 1871 Mar. 18, 1936 . . H .
Levy Hayman Dec. 1, 1827 Mar. 8, 1885 Born in Obernau, Alsace Died in New Orleans H
Levy Heine Picard May 13, 1854 Dec. 12, 1926 . . H .
Levy Helen Oberdorfer Dec. 22, 1860 Jan. 17, 1935 Augsburg Bavaria . H .
Levy Helen Oppenheimer July 28, 1839 Jan. 21, 1912 . . . .
Levy Henrietta Feitel Mar. 3, 1842 July 14, 1915 Mother . . .
Levy Henrietta Oury . Jan. 15, 1907 Native of Owesled? Alsace Wife of Moses Levy Aged 79 Years H .
Levy Henry Apr. 11, 1863 July 5, 1917 . . H .
Levy Ida Sperling Dec. 1, 1892 Jan. 4, 1921 . . H .
Levy Irvine Mar. 25, 1894 June 25, 1961 Louisiana PFC Btry E 141 Fld Arty World War I . .
Levy Isaac Mar. 29, 1867 Apr. 26, 1933 . . H .
Levy Jack A. Dec. 8, 1905 June 16, 1937 . . . .
Levy Jacob Dec. 22, 1868 Feb. 15, 1923 . . H .
Levy Jacob . May 13, 1923 Age 50 years . H .
Levy Jacob Oct. 29,1821 May 15, 1891 ? Born in Buchsweiler, Alsace, France May be 1894 H
Levy Jacques . Sept. 24, 1894 Born at Bouxviller, France Age 56 years Hebrew .
Levy Jeanette Oct. 22, 1883 May 15, 1884 . . . .
Levy Jeannette May 31, 1956 June 14, 1933 . . H .
Levy Joseph Dec. 11, 1860 May 25, 1940 . . H .
Levy Julia . Dec. 21, 1905 A native of Bouxviller Alsace Aged 65 years Beloved wife of Jacques Levy . .
Levy Julia Apr. 19, 1865 Jan. 19, 1919 . . H .
Levy Julia Lehman Feb. 12, 1871 Mar. 26, 1910 Beloved wife of Leon Levy . H .
Levy Julie . Sept. 26, 1903 Daughter of Raphael Levy & Terese Kock A native of St. James Parish, LA . .
Levy Lazar Dec. 17, 1858 Oct. 5, 1910 . . H .
Levy Leah Baar July 15, 1872 Oct. 15, 1898 Beloved wife of Simon Levy Aged 24 years H .
Levy Lehmann Nov. 15, 1928 Feb. 10, 1913 . . H .
Levy Leon . Jan. 9, 1943 . . H .
Levy Leon Jan. 15, 1864 Dec. 16, 1931 . . H .
Levy Leon 1862 1915 . . H .
Levy Leon July 4, 1896 May 21, 1897 Gone so soon . H .
Levy Leon E. Nov. 15, 1856 Dec. 31, 1927 . . H .
Levy Leo S. Nov. 9, 1889 May 7, 1955 . . H .
Levy Leopold Feb. 26, 1859 Jan. 14, 1928 Native of Saarlouis, Alsace-Lorraine . H .
Levy Leopold Dec. 27, 1847 Apr. 25, 1921 . . H .
Levy Lep ??? 26, 1870 Aug. 3, 1951 . . . .
Levy Louis J. . Apr. 27, 1899 Infant of S. and A. Levy Aged 20 days H .
Levy Magdalene Rooff . June 30, 1889 Born in Schlettstadt, Franace Relict of Rev. Marx Levy Aged 80 years H
Levy Marks . Aug. 23, 5613 Born Hagenau, Elsase . Hebrew .
Levy Marx Oct. 30, 1828 Oct. 5, 1892 Born at Schirhofen, Alsace, Germany . H
Levy Marx, Rabbi July 19, 1808 Nov. 29, 1887 Born in Saarlouis, Germany . Hebrew
Levy Mary Aug. 30, 1845 Sept. 9, 1878 Geb. In Dippiyheim Elsa . Hebrew .
Levy Mary Dreyfus 1829 1921 Wife of Jacob Levy Born in Brummuth, Alsace, France H
Levy Mathilda K. Sept. 30, 1895 Dec. 28, 1982 . . H .
Levy Mayer 1844 1931 . . . .
Levy Mayer Sept. 22, 1852 Feb. 26, 1919 Father . . .
Levy Mayer Sept. 22, 1899 May 12, 1981 . . H .
Levy Michel Jan. 15, 1869 Oct. 21, 1885 . . .
Levy Minna Meyer 1849 1925 . . . .
Levy Miriam . Oct. 11, 1915 . . H .
Levy Moise June 10, 1837 Mar. 3, 1896 Born in Duppicheim, Alsace, France Died in New Orleans H .
Levy Moise Jan. 9, 1876 May 16, 1943 . . H .
Levy Moses Apr. 22, 1822 July 11, 1883 Born in Eddendorf Alsace . Hebrew .
Levy Moses Oct. 8, 1808 Mar. 19, 1897 Native of Oberne Alsace Husband of Henrietta Oury H .
Levy Moses June 24, 1886 Mar. 4, 1920 . . H .
Levy Myron L. Nov. 4, 1919 Jan. 16, 1984 . . H .
Levy Nathan Mar. 23, 1864 Jan. 10, 1945 . . . .
Levy Ophelia Bruenn Nov. 30, 1861 Feb. 27, 1944 Wife of Leopold Levy Native of New Orleans H .
Levy Pauline 1859 1941 . . H .
Levy Pauline Block Aug. 1, 1874 Dec. 26, 1934 . . H .
Levy Raphael 1860 1930 . . H .
Levy Raphael . 1877 Died at Long View St. James Parish Native of ??heim, Alsace Aged 50 years Hebrew .
Levy Regina . Sept. 2, 1926 . . H .
Levy Rosalie Aug. 18, 1846 Apr. 26, 1909 Husband Samuel Levy . . .
Levy Rosalie Apr. 4, 1833 Feb. 27, 1896 Born in Weinburg, Alsace Husband Samuel Levy H
Levy Salomon July 5, 1855 Nov. 21, 1901 A native of Duppighein, Alsace May his soul rest in peace H .
Levy Samuel Jan. 20, 1823 Aug. 14, 1892 Born in Weuersweiler, Alsace How desolate out home bereft of thee H .
Levy Samuel May 5, 1851 June 26, 1911 . . . .
Levy Samuel Apr. 1, 1838 June 22, 1915 . . . .
Levy Sarah July 4, 1897 July 29, 1897 Infant of Isaac Levy and Pauline Block . H .
Levy Sarah Goldsticker June 4, 1869 Sept. 27, 1924 . . H .
Levy Sarah Klein Oct. 10, 1810 Feb. 23, 1894 Relict of Henry Levy Grandma Born in Ingwiller, Alsace 83 years old .
Levy Selma Heidenheim Sept. 22, 1870 July 26, 1916 . . . .
Levy Seraphyne Mar. 23, 1881 May 11, 1911 . . H .
Levy Simon Jan. 4, 1871 Oct. 7, 1918 . . H .
Levy Simon S. May 18, 1869 June 25, 1957 . . H .
Levy Sol Apr. 19, 1852 May 13, 1885 . . H
Levy Sol. Oct. 30, 1869 Dec. 1, 1912 . . H .
Levy Sol. G. May 19, 1885 June 1, 1922 Husband of Ella Welsch . H .
Levy Sol. J. Sept. 29, 1868 Aug. 14, 1923 . . H .
Levy Solomon Mar. 1, 1808 Nov. 19, 1875 .Born in Hellinere France Died in New Orleans Died New Orleans Hebrew .
Levy Solomon Sept. 25, 1871 Oct. 20, 1924 . . H .
Levy Sophie Hass Feb. 27, 1855 Jan. 29, 1912 Born at Neuenkirchen Rheinpfalz Germany Wife of Elias Levy H .
Levy Stella W. Aug. 8, 1902 Feb. 28, 1991 . . H .
Levy Therese 1833 May 30, 1898 Born in Fraimersheim, Ger. . H .
Lewald Hannah Schwartz Apr. 29, 1850 Mar. 11, 1936 . . H .
Lewald Louis July 8, 1852 Jan. 26, 1907 Beloved husband of Hannah Schwartz Born in Austria H .
Lichtentag Alexander Mar. 13, 1868 Jan. 14, 1938 . . H .
Lichtentag Alice Baumblatt Apr. 1, 1870 Oct. 6, 1943 . . H .
Lichtentag Isaac . Feb. 23, 1902 Aged 67 yrs. . . .
Lichtentag Jennie Aug. 25, 1870 Nov. 8, 1961 . . H .
Lichtentag Lena Freedman Oct. 29, 1886 July 12, 1944 . . H .
Lichtentag Saul Mar. 24, 1882 Apr. 18, 1976 . . H .
Lichtentag Mathilde Wolff . Oct. 15, 1925 Aged 81 yrs . . .
Lichtentag Morris . June 12, 1925 Aged 48 years . H .
Lilienthal Julius Sept. 9, 1825 Dec. 22, 1867 . . Hebrew .
Lobe Isaac M. Oct. 18, 1878 Mar. 12, 1894 Son of Sol Lobe and Isabella Meyer . H
Lobe Jessie Weinsberg Dec. 8, 1880 Mar. 19, 1889 Daughter of Sol. Lobe and Isabella Meyer . H .
Lobe Lotta Feb. 12, 1853 Aug. 2, 1884 Daughter of Moses and Sarah Lobe . . .
Lobe Moses . Oct. 1, 1895 A native of Oberweiller Bavaria Aged 71 Yrs. & 9 Mos. H .
Lobe Sadie . Sept. 27, 1890? Only Child of Herman Lobe and Bessie Lehman Died at Mulberry Grove Aged 10 yrs & 9 dys .
Lobe Sarah June 22, 1822 June 30, 1894 Born in El??wiler Germany My Beloved Wife . .
Lobstein Albert Dec. 28, 1873 Aug. 4, 1916 . . . .
Lobstein Fanny Angel . Jan. 21, 1895 Wife of Jos. Lobstein Aged 49 years Hebrew .
Lobstein Joseph Jan. 8, 1834 Nov. 28, 1904 A native of Bavaria Germany . H .
Lobstein Samuel W. Oct. 3, 1867 May 16, 1903 Dearest brother we have laid thee in the peaceful grave's embrace, but thy H .
Loeb Anna 1788 Aug. 1855 Widow of Samuel Loeb possibly Jan. 3, 1888 Hebrew .
Loeb Elizabeth June 1805 July 24, 1883 Born in Malingen Died New Orleans Wife of Isaac Loeb H .
Loeb Jonas S. Feb. 11, 1869 Apr. 3, 1907 . . H .
Loeb Jos. S. Dec. 15, 1872 Mar. 10, 1942 . . . .
Loeb Louis 1828 Oct. 15, 1867 A native of Hinswillir??, Germany . Hebrew .
Loeb Max Nov. 14, 1877 Feb. 11, 1919 Born in Ivesheim Baden . . .
Loeb Pauline Meyer Sept. 26, 1870 Nov. 2, 1912 . . . .
Loeb Rosalie Meyer Feb. 20, 1869 Jan. 16, 1940 . . . .
Loevy Florence Caplan Sept. 18, 1919 May 27, 2009 . . H .
Loevy William Apr. 13, 1913 Oct. 3, 1974 . . Hebrew .
Loewy Joshua Daniel Jan. 8, 1985 Jan. 17, 1986 . . Hebrew .
Lowenthal Marx Wolf Sept. 22, 1799 Mar 10, 1881 Born in Mach (Mark) Fried???d, Prussia . Hebrew .
Loewenthal Paula Sept. 1, 1882 Feb. 4, 1953 . . . .
Lowinsohn Janette Dec. 11, 1862 Nov. 6, 1940 . . H .
Lubritz Naomi Israel Jan. 1, 1896 Dec. 11, 1923 . . H .
Lurie Flora Suffrin Feb. 24, 1920 Sept. 25, 1945 . Shared stone Lily Russ Hoffman H .
Lyons Joseph Apr. 30, 1825 Sept. 13, 1904 . . H .
Maisel Ida Carol May 28, 1957 Apr. 7, 2003 Beloved wife mother and friend . Hebrew .
Mallu Charlotte Smith 1891 1927 . . H .
Manassah Julius . Oct. 7, 1824 Born in Brandenburg, Germany Aged 68 yrs. . .
Manheim Abraham Gabriel Jan. 23, 1911 Feb. 11, 1995 . . H .
Manheim Bernard Mar. 13, 1884 Oct. 4, 1967 . . H .
Manheim Ida Feldman Apr. 25, 1890 July 11, 1941 Beloved wife of Bernard Manheim . H .
Manheim Louise Hayem Mar. 13, 1907 Apr. 9, 1983 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother . H .
Mann Alexander Apr. 18, 1832 Nov. 6, 1912 Born in Monsheim, Hessen Germany Died in St. Francisville, La. H .
Mann Amelia Winternitz Dec. 21, 1873 Jan. 8, 1931 Beloved wife of Leon Mann . H .
Mann Fannye S. Mar. 20, 1896 Jan. 13, 1954 Mother . H .
Mann Herman W. Dec. 29, 1897 Apr. 6, 1951 Father . H .
Mann Lena . Feb. 19, 1899 Born in G??semheim Rheinefalz Germany Aged 68 yrs . .
Mann Leon Sept. 23, 1863 Nov. 10, 1941 . . H .
Mann Regina Wenda Oct. 13, 1858 . Munzheim Hessen Darnis???? . . .
Mann Theresa Hausmann July 16, 1884 Born at Melsheim Hessendarnstadt Died at Bayou Sara Aged 51 years; W/o Alexander Mann H .
Mannheimer Bianca Bloch Feb. 10, 1893 June 2, 1927 . . . .
Mannheimer Clarence L. Apr. 5, 1887 Dec. 9, 1944 . . . .
Mansberg Emanuel Nathan July 26, 1874 Mar. 4, 1933 . . H .
Mansberg Esther Rothschild . Aug. 1, 1872 Aged 36 years . . .
Mansberg Joseph Oct. 15, 1810 Aug. 14, 1883 Born in Marsfeld, Prussia . H .
Mansberg Lena Haas Jan. 26, 1847 Apr. 15, 1925 Wife of Meyer Mansberg . H .
Mansberg Max Sept. 12, 1869 Jan. 17, 1944 . . H .
Mansberg Michael 1829 Oct. 7, 1867 Born in Martfeld, Prussia . . .
Mansberg Rebecca Mohr Apr. 16, 1838 Apr. 4, 1914 Native of Lingenfeld, Bavaria Wife of Joseph Mansberg H .
Mansberg Rosetta Berkson May 7, 1876 Sept. 17, 1962 . . H .
Marcuse Bella Levy Oct. 26, 1874 July 6, 1932 . . H .
Marcuse Samuel Jan. 22, 1874 June 20, 1934 . . H .
Maretzky Jennie . Nov. 17, 1919 Aged 57 years . H .
Maretzky Joshua . Sept. 18, 1918 Aged 27 years . H .
Maretzky Louis . May 21, 1905 A native of Russia Aged 50 yrs. H .
Marks Edwin July 28, 1870 Jan. 11, 1931 . . H .
Marks Pauline Welsch July 3, 1882 Dec. 21, 1843 . . H .
Marx Aaron Oct. 21, 1869 Nov. 14, 1939 . . H .
Marx Alex July 9, 1858 Sept. 4, 1943 . . H .
Marx Allen Nov. 8, 1936 Nov. 13, 1936 . . . .
Marx Beulah Levy Sept. 14, 1900 July 31, 1979 . . H .
Marx Bonhomme Nov. 2, 1832 June 22, 1910 A native of Emsmingen Canton Albestroff France H .
Marx Carrie Heymann Aug. 3, 1872 Mar. 17, 1928 . . H .
Marx Esther Nov. 5, 1881 Dec. 5, 1910 . . H .
Marx Fanny Mertz Apr. 11, 1828 Feb. 22, 1898 Nee Bauer de Incenheim Baviere . H .
Marx George June 2, 1895 Apr. 21, 1944 . . H .
Marx Henrietta Heymann Dec. 29, 1929 Dec. 14, 1895 A native of Gauersheim, Germany . H .
Marx Henry Oct. 8, 1834 Sept. 15, 1909 A native of Ingwiller Alsace . H .
Marx Lizzie Price Apr. 10, 1868 Mar. 26, 1936 . . H .
Marx Max Sept. 17, 1863 Nov. 26, 1936 . . H .
Marx Mena Franck Mar. 28, 1845 Dec. 13, 1907 Beloved wife of Henry Marx . H .
Marx Minna Levin Feb. 1, 1872 Mar. 18, 1952 . . H .
Marx Rita . Oct. 28, 1884 Daughter of Alex and Lizzie Marx 5 years old . .
Marx Sophie Nov. 22, 1867 Aug. 30, 1941 . . H .
Marx Tina Sept. 11, 1874 Aug. 30, 1924 . . H .
Massman Lilly Marx 1859 1953 . . H .
Matzdorf Hugo May 14, 1851 June 29, 1899 Born at Cosian Ober Schleisien . H .
Mayer Eugene Sept. 7, 1878 . Child of Max & Josephine Mayer . Hebrew .
Mayer Josephine Feitel Feb. 26, 1855 Mar. 25, 1901 . . . .
Mayer Max Apr. 15, 1847 Oct. 20, 1883 . . Hebrew .
Mayer B. . . . . Hebrew .
Mayronne Agatha Fisher Feb. 14, 1897 May 18, 1978 . . . .
McCabe John J. Sept. 2, 1859 Jan. 13, 1897 A native of Natchez, Miss. . . .
McGraw Harriet Levy Mar. 7, 1866 Mar. 11,1935 . . . .
Meyer Adam . Mar. 23, 1813 Aged 76 Years . H .
Meyer Fannie . Dec. 30, 1919 Native of Freisback Germany Aged 75 years H .
Meyer Henry M. Oct. 13, 1876 Apr. 19, 1940 . . . .
Meyer Hirsh July 23, 1874 Aug. 27, 1962 Born Shirhofen, Alace-Lorraine . H .
Meyer Leonard Nov. 25, 1869 Sept. 4, 1914 . . . .
Meyer Nathan H. May 3, 1878 Oct. 29, 1944 . . H .
Meyer Rusina June 1?, 18?? Sept. 11, ???? . . . .
Meyer Theresa Block . Jan. 1, 1928 Aged 86 Years . H .
Michel Cecile . Apr. 1, 1920 Aged 78 years . H .
Mieares Jeannette Samuel . Dec. 18, 1877 Aged 76 years Wife of J. S. Mieares . .
Miller Caroline Levy Aug. 5, 1858 Mar. 23, 1895 Wife of Wm. H. Miller . H .
Miller Carrie Schuster Aug. 17, 1897 July 1, 1922 . . H .
Miller Ina June 21, 1941 Feb. 1, 2000 . . Hebrew .
Miller Irving Aug. 29, 1890 Oct. 16, 1918 . . . .
Miller Malcolm Stephen June 15, 1943 Aug. 30, 1998 Beloved husband, dad, and papa I lived, I loved, I'm at peace Hebrew .
Miller Macks Manuel July 3, 1873 Oct. 20, 1935 The righteous shall be had in everlasting Remembrance H .
Miller Moreil . Dec. 28, 1918 Age 8 mos. . . .
Miller Pauline Adels Apr. 1, 1874 Nov. 11, 1956 The righteous shall be had in everlasting Remembrance H .
Mimeles Eva Cohen Feb. 17, 1880 Sept. 25, 1965 . . H .
Mimeles William Sept. 29, 1869 July 9, 1940 . . H .
Mintz Herbert Nov. 3, 1926 Apr. 19, 1991 Devoted loved husband and father . H .
Mohre Lesie H. May 20, 1910 Nov. 26, 1983 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother . H .
Mohre Nathan H. May 10, 1894 Apr. 8, 1953 Beloved husband and father . H .
Moise Jacob . . Born in Niederbrucken 27 Years Maecnoli, Mississippi Hebrew .
Montague Alfred J. Oct. 14, 1854 Jan. 2, 1906 Kind husband, a loving father, ???? Friend . . .
Montague Rose July 21, 1886 Apr. 23, 1913 . . H .
Morganstein Elmere Welsch Sept. 2, 1909 Mar. 7, 2003 . . . .
Morganstein Infant Daughter . May 12, 1938 . . . .
Morgenstern Adolph . Mar. 2, 1896 A native of Austria Aged 63 years . .
Moshkowsky Myron Jan. 28, 1916 Feb. 1, 2009 We will forever miss you smile and goodness H .
Moss Mathilda Heller Dec. 28, 1856 July 18, 1942 . . H .
Moss William Dec. 10, 1852 Jan. 16, 1937 . . H .
Myer Abe L. Dec. 25, 1875 July 30, 1956 . . H .
Myer Sadie E. July 25, 1885 Sept. 22, 1954 . . H .
Nathan Bella Leopold June 4, 1868 Dec. 24, 1943 . . H .
Nathan Miriam Aug. 22, 1901 Jan. 14, 1902 Daughter of Shyer Nathan and Bella Leopold . . .
Nathan Shyer . Feb. 9, 1934 Born in Radsiwillow Russia . H .
Nelson Esther de Sola . June 6, 1959 . . . .
Netter Aron May 24, 1864 Dec. 30, 1903 Native of Schwindratzheim Alsace . H .
Netter Cora Leopold Nov. 20, 1866 Jan. 24, 1928 . . H .
Newstadt Sam July 13, 1909 Sept. 14, 1969 . . H .
Nichols J. Burrell Dec. 7, 1897 Oct. 27, 1933 . . H .
Nowak Henry June 19, 1880 Aug. 12, 1924 . . Hebrew .
Nowak Henry Gerald Dec. 20, 1940 Aug. 27, 1942 Beloved son of Esther and Jacob Nowak . . .
Nowak Jacob Apr. 26, 1916 Dec. 20, 1993 Beloved husband and father . H .
Nowak Jakob Feb. 10, 1892 July 20, 1911 Native of Sudilkow Russia . H .
O'Hare Frieda Michel . . . . . .
Oppenheimer Amalia A?? 21, 18?? July 25, 1894 Possibly the gravestone of Amalia Oppenheimer Very hard to read. . .
Oppenheimer Edith N. Jan. 7, 1915 Jan. 9, 1979 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Oppenheimer Edward E. June 15, 1913 Feb. 24, 1984 Beloved husband father and Grandfather H .
Oppenheimer Morris Kalischer Aug. 15, 1887 Mar. 10, 1948 . . H .
Pancamo Samuel Horton Oct. 17, 1994 Nov. 24, 1998 Our son, our brother, our love . Hebrew .
Papier Harry Apr. 26, 1917 Sept. 24, 1996 Beloved husband and father . H .
Papier Sylvia Aug. 26, 1920 Nov. 11, 1999 Beloved wife and mother . H .
Parody Bernard June 18, 1876 Sept. 20, 1962 . . H .
Parody Charlotte Goldsmith Dec. 17, 1840 Dec. 22, 1909 Native of Germany Beloved wife of Louis Parody H .
Parody Esther Mar. 31, 1907 July 7, 2003 . . H .
Parody Helen Rose Oct. 22, 1910 May 23, 2001 . . H .
Parody Julia Extine Sept. 15, 1871 May 17, 1959 . . H .
Parody Louis ??? Jan. 28, 1899 . . H .
Pastel J. Jack Sept. 5, 1895 Apr. 30, 1969 . . H .
Pastel Marie Zagame Feb. 11, 1902 June 12, 1985 . . H .
Peria Joshua July 1, 1976 July 3, 1976 . . H .
Pesses Joyce Pollock Slobotzky Feb. 10, 1932 Sept. 1, 2006 Beloved parents who departed too soon. You live on in our hearts forever. H .
Philipson Lila Apr. 19, 1888 Feb. 16, 1946 She continues to live in the grateful hearts Of her loving husband and childred H .
Philipson Reuben Nov. 26, 1886 Aug. 1, 1967 . . H .
Phillips Jeanette Helene Mar. 26, 1908 Jan. 7, 1911 Daughter of Edna Stein and Isaac Phillips . . .
Phillips Joseph Sylvan July 4, 1912 July 3, 1980 . . H .
Picard Bernard Apr. 28, 1853 May 23, 1896 Born in Herlisheim, Alsace . H .
Picard Sarah May 3, 1859 Mar. 7, 1927 Mother . H .
Pinski Fanny Feb. 18, 1868 June 24, 1949 . . . .
Pinski Max Jan. 18, 1859 Sept. 7, 1923 . . . .
Plonsky Gerald J. Aug. 7, 1907 Dec. 29, 1990 . . . .
Plonsky Lillian Geissler July 28, 1911 July 28, 1980 . . . .
Plotkin George A. May 1, 1913 Feb. 7, 1977 Love . H .
Plotkin Sam Jan. 20, 1906 Nov. 2, 1976 A strong mind and a healthy body . H .
Plotkin Sarah Regina Sept. 15, 1913 Oct. 7, 1977 A very special lady . H .
Polmer Augusta Feitel June 13, 1878 Feb. 28, 1951 Wife of Leon Polmer . H .
Polmer Earle Edwin July 2, 1902 Jan. 28, 1945 . . H .
Polmer Irvin Feitel Oct. 3, 1899 Nov. 8, 1873 . . H .
Polmer Leon Aug. 1, 1869 Nov. 8, 1973 Dad . H .
Polmer Mervin Joseph Oct. 3, 1899 Dec. 15, 1973 . . H .
Polmer Naphtali Hirsch Sept. 21, 1898 Apr. 24, 1933 . . H .
Polmer S. Cahlman Feb. 19, 1901 July 9, 1931 . . H .
Powers Louis W. Nov. 25, 1857 Feb. 7, 1922 . . H .
Presser Fanny Schapira Aug. 6, 1920 Nov. 29, 2007 Beloved wife, mother, grandmother And friend H .
Presser Julius June 1, 1918 Oct. 18, 2000 Beloved husband, father, grandfather And friend H .
Presser Melvin H. Jan. 12, 1945 Mar. 22, 2001 Beloved husband, father & friend . H .
Prince Julia Feb. 24, 1872 Jan. 23, 1956 . . H .
Prince Meyer G. Oct. 7, 1872 June 15, 1932 . . H .
Rabin Estelle Polmer Slipakoff Apr. 6, 1904 Feb. 29, 2000 . . H .
Ramer Frances Shapiro Feb. 16, 1921 May 11, 1983 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother To die but not to perish is to be eternally present Hebrew .
Ramer George Mar. 29, 1922 Nov. 13, 1997 Beloved husband, father and grandfather He shall dwell in the house of the lord forever Hebrew .
Rau Fanny Levy Nov. 27, 1889 Nov. 7, 1989 . . Hebrew .
Rau Mendel Simon Sept. 14, 1883 July 9, 1964 . . Hebrew .
Regenbogen Isaac Apr. 12, 1917 Sept. 18, 1979 26 Elul 5739 . H .
Reich Ernest E. June 15, 1903 Jan. 14, 1972 Louisiana M Sgt 93 CML Comp Co World War II . .
Reich Fannie B. Apr. 4, 1908 Mar. 30, 1989 . . Hebrew .
Reiss Lazarus S. Feb. 27, 1847 Feb. 2, 1946 . . H .
Reiss Sarah Levy Apr. 5, 1847 Feb. 3, 1920 . . H .
Richmond Isidore Oct. 1, 1900 June 24, 1983 . . H .
Richmond Rosa Sept. 13, 1900 Mar. 15, 1977 . . H .
Ries Edward May 26, 1857 June 18, 1911 Husband of Rose Michel . H .
Ries Henry Aug. 4, 1840 Apr. 20, 1914 . . H .
Riess Lazarus Feb. 27, 1847 Feb. 2, 1940 . . H .
Riess Sarah Levy Apr. 5, 1847 Feb. 3, 1920 . . H .
Rosen Herman Mandie Aug. 20, 1894 Feb. 17, 1958 Born in Austria . H .
Rosen Jeanette Cohen Jan. 28, 1903 July 20, 1988 . . H .
Rosen Ulrich Feb. 24, 1903 Jan. 3, 1949 . . H .
Rosenbaum Louis Dec. 3, 1828 Oct.24, 1901 Born in Everode, Hanover . H
Rosenbaum Marian Kratzenstein . Nov. 7, 1903 Widow of Emile Traub and Louis Rosenbaum Aged 61 years H .
Rosenbaum Regina Schwab Apr. 22,1829 Sept.9, 1890 Beloved wife of Louis Rosenbaum . Hebrew
Rosenberg Cecilia July 19, 1819 May 27, 1887 Aged 68 years . .
Rosenberg Hannah Seligstein May 19, 1820 July 12, 1903 Born at Lendershausen Bavaria Germany Beloved wife of Nathan Rosenberg H .
Rosenberg Israel H. Oct. 13, 1849 Dec. 18, 1918 . . H .
Rosenberg Mortz . . . . Hebrew .
Rosenberg Nathan . Aug. 11, 1865 Born in Pei?y, Hanover Aged 62 years H .
Rosenson Rita Taul May 5, 1903 Mar. 24, 1934 . . H .
Rosenstock Morris Kalischer Apr. 2, 1882 Aug. 11, 1952 Gone but never forgotten . H .
Rosenstock Sarah Feyer Jan. 30, 1883 Sept. 1, 1946 Gone but never forgotten . H .
Rosenthal Leopold July 11, 1854 June 10, 1888 Born Oestrich, Germany . H
Rosenthal Max Oct. 4, 1883 Nov. 26, 1928 . . H .
Rosenthal Rosalie Welsch . May 3, 1951 . . H .
Rosenthal Sidney Dec. 22, 1887 Mar. 13, 1899 . . . .
Rosenthal Samuel Apr. 21, 1886 May 27, 1915 . . H .
Rothschild Joseph June 23, 1831 Aug. 28, 1867 Native of Vieruciler Bavaria . Hebrew .
Ruben Bernard L. Sept. 26, 1862 July 23, 1923 Beloved husband of Ray Rubenstein . H .
Rubin Frances Mar. 8, 1893 Nov. 28, 1971 Her life a blessing . . .
Rubin Harold Feb. 7, 1922 Jan. 27, 1988 A man of words and deeds . H .
Rubin Nathalee Aug. 14, 1929 Nov. 4, 1993 The caregiver . H .
Rubin Simon Sept. 20, 1886 Nov. 25, 1970 A devoted husband a loving father . . .
S????er Mathilde 1839 1885 . . . .
Salm Abraham . Apr. 9, 5670 Aged 64 years1909 . H .
Salm Babette . Mar. 29, 18?? Wife of Jacob Salm . Hebrew .
Salm Benjamin . Mar. 31, 1883 Son of Jacob Salm Hebrew Year 5643 Aged 31 years Hebrew .
Salm Fanny . . . . Hebrew .
Salm Jacob . Nov. 25, 5651 Aged 80 years & 8 months . Hebrew .
Salm Rose Oct. 3, 1856 Feb. 24, 1945 . . H .
Salm W. Benjamin May 4, 1797 Aug. 19, 1891 A native of Germany . H
Salomon Bertha Feibelman . June 19, 1957 . . H .
Salomon Camille Nov. 28, 1862 Mar. 21, 1936 . . H .
Salomon I. Bernard May 13, 1922 Apr. 6, 1978 . . H .
Salomon Isaac Irving Aug. 22, 1897 July 14, 1983 . . H .
Salomon Rene Feb. 27, 1924 Dec. 19, 1924 . . H .
Salomon Siegfried . June 2, 1928 . . . .
Samuel Bella May 28, 1880 June 6, 1943 . . . .
Samuel Bernard Mar. 3, 1804 Sept. 15, 1874 Born in Bonzenville, France . Hebrew .
Samuel Caroline Feitel Mar. 4, 1850 Mar. 18, 1911 Beloved wife of Ferd. Samuel . H .
Samuel Eugenie July 27, 1874 Mar. 14, 1931 . . . .
Samuel Ferdinand Aug. 19, 1845 Aug. 3, 1918 Born in Bouzonville France . H .
Samuel Flora Sloman about 1849 Sept. 25, 1892 Native of Prussia Wife of Jules Samuel H
Samuel Isidore Feb. 9, 1871 July 8, 1913 . . . .
Samuel Jules J. Nov. 2, 1833 Jan. 9, 1891 Resident of Jefferson Parish for many years Born in Bouzonville, France Hebrew .
Samuel Rosette Katz Nov. 2, 1810 May 17, 1894 Born in Touls France Beloved wife of Bernard Samuel H .
Samuel Therzia Nov. 29, 1842 Nov. 29, 1877 Husband Jules Samuel . Hebrew .
Saymon Ida Dec. 27, 1903 May 24, 1998 Beloved mother, grandmother, great Grandmother H .
Schaeffer Lena Jan. 1, 1904 Oct. 11, 1993 Beloved mother, wife and sister . H .
Schaeffer Sam July 4, 1903 Aug. 7, 1986 Beloved husband and father . H .
Scharff Pearl Steckler Jan. 31, 1906 Jan. 30, 1980 . . . .
Scheinkraut Leon Mar. 2, 1901 Nov. 10, 1914 . . Hebrew .
Scheinuk Leslie Elizabeth July 3, 1960 July 28, 1960 . . . .
Schmulin Isaac Sept. 23, 1860 Nee Fenetrange en France 33 ans (years) Hebrew .
Schneider Birdye Aron May 27, 1914 Feb. 15, 1987 Beloved parents and grandparents . H .
Schneider Hyman Mar. 4, 1911 June 26, 1984 Beloved parents and grandparents . H .
Schreiber Albert A. Apr. 9, 1896 July 25, 1969 . . H .
Schreiber Kate Oct. 8, 1891 Mar. 6 1978 . . H .
Schwab Fannie Ury June 10, 1854 June 26, 1894 Born at New Orleans Wife of Leo Schwab Died at Birmingham, Ala. H .
Schwartz Benjamin Wolff Apr. 15, 1894 July 3, 1910 . . . .
Schwartz Fanny Feb. 28, 1861 Jan. 6, 1928 . . . .
Schwartz Jeanne ???, 1904 Jan. 8, 1907 2 years . . .
Schwartz Kassel Oct. 18, 1862 Aug. 19, 1921 Born in Jaraslau, Austria . H .
Schwartz Lazar Jan. 17, 1852 Dec. 2, 1915 . . . .
Schwartz Louis . Sept. 21, 1922 Aged 67 Years . H .
Schwartz Rachael 1854 May 11,1922 . . . .
Schwartz Wolf . Aug. 13, 1853 Ingenheim Reinpfalz 34 Years Hebrew .
Schwartz Wolf Jan. 29, 1853 Apr. 7, 1912 Husband of Lydia Gugenheim . H .
Schwartzschild Fanny Dec. 2, 1858 Mar. 2, 1827 Mother . . .
Schwarz Fred . . From the Employees of H. Fellman & Co. . . .
Schwarzschild Rosa . Aug. 3, 1853 Wife of A. Schwarzschild 22 Years Born Homburg (Rheinbayern) Hebrew .
Schwitzer Abraham . Jan. 11, 1884 Grand Duchy of Baden Aged 61 yrs. 6 mos. & ? Dys. H .
Schwitzer Caroline . Aug. 22, 1875 Aged 50 years . Hebrew .
Schwitzer Hattie . July 20, 1881 Dau. Of B & F. Schwitzer 2 years old possibly Henrietta H .
Seare Annette Ury Dec. 20, 1856 Dec. 31, 1928 . . . .
Seligman Abraham . Feb. 3, 1956 or 1856 . . .
Seligman Ivy Lillian Oct. 28, 1892 Nov. 8, 1933 . . H .
Seligman Jeannette Dreyfus May 10, 1818 Nov. 18, 1893 Wife of Jacob Seligman Born in Ingenheim Bavaria H
Seligman Minnie Markstein Oct. 25, 1862 Nov. 24, 1926 Beloved wife of Samuel H. Seligman . H .
Seligman Samuel H. Jan. 26, 1846 Jan. 2, 1900 . . H .
Seligman Samuella N. . Feb. 3, 1900 Daughter of Samuel H. Seligman and Nina Markstein Aged 4 yrs & 6 mos. . .
Sessler David . Dec. 21, 1937 Aged 59 years . H .
Sessler Morris, Rabbi . July 14, 1926 Born Vienna, Austria Died at New Orleans ....Rabbi Congregation Gates of Prayer H .
Shaenfield Louis I. Nov. 1870 Oct. 8, 1900 Born in Crasnipola, Russia . H .
Shaffer Leah Seidman Jan. 14, 1905 Apr. 28, 1958 . . H .
Shaffer Morris Frank Feb. 2, 1910 Aug. 4, 1993 . . H .
Share Isabelle B. July 1, 1910 Apr. 25, 2005 Devoted wife and mother . H .
Share Nathaniel S. May 12, 1908 July 17, 1974 Beloved Rabbi of Cong. Gates of Prayer 1934-1974 H .
Share Susan K. Dec. 2, 1941 Dec. 16, 1963 . . H .
Shear Albert G. Aug. 5, 1978 May 3, 1950 . . H .
Shear Fanny Levy July 18, 1882 Sept. 4, 1936 . . H .
Sher Judith Kops Oct. 28, 1950 Apr. 7, 1972 . . H .
Siess Fanny Cerf Sept. 26, 1842 Nov. 3, 1927 . . H .
Siess Simon Nov. 22, 1830 Nov. 24, 1924 . . H .
Silber Claire Lea Jan. 1, 1911 Jan. 14, 2005 Creative spirit . H .
Silber Judith Ida Deinard Aug. 19, 1885 Oct. 31, 1970 Beloved wife of Mendel Silber . Hebrew .
Silber Mendel, Rabbi Dec. 10, 1882 May 10, 1963 Rabbi 1914-1936 Emeritus 1936-1963 . Hebrew .
Silverman Carrie Cohen Aug. 12, 1871 June 19, 1963 . . H .
Silverman Marx Apr. 6, 1872 Mar. 21, 1958 . . H .
Simon Moses Nov. 2, 1869 Feb.8, 1880 Born in Natchitoches, LA Son of Harris Simon 13 years old . .
Simon Doris W. Feb. 2, 1916 Jan. 30, 1996 Beloved wife mother & sister . H .
Simons Levy . Feb. 27, 1876 Native of Hamburg 68 Years H .
Singer Sol I. Feb. 15, 1907 Aug. 6, 1962 . . H .
Singer Mary Alice Casper Oct. 18, 194 Nov. 8, 1985 . . H .
Singerman Flora Finger July 12, 1910 May 23, 1959 Beloved Mother Grand Mother . H .
Slipakoff Harry Feb. 2, 1897 June 12, 1942 . . H .
Slobotzky Joseph E. May 6, 1933 July 24, 1984 Beloved parents who departed too soon. You live on in our hearts forever. H .
Slobotzky Max May 20, 1887 Oct. 23, 1921 . . H .
Slodov Rae Leopold Mar. 21, 1893 Dec. 9, 1941 Wife of Harry Slodov . H .
Sloman Jacob Dec. 19, 1818 July 2, 1888 Native of Prussia . H
Smith Anna Marks 1864 1929 . . H .
Smith Frank W. Karl 1862 1929 . . H .
Smith Mary, Mrs. . . . . . .
Smith Morris Kalischer Apr. 20, 1893 June 7, 1905 . At rest H .
Smith Rosie Kalischer Oct. 15, 1882 Aug. 17, 1898 15 years old At rest . .
Sofer Edith Holtzman Sept. 13, 1916 Nov. 26, 2007 My beloved . H .
Sofer Max William Jan. 16, 1916 Nov. 26, 1997 My beloved . H .
Solomon Adele Gougenheim June 30, 1847 July 9, 1919 Born at Versailles, France . H .
Solomon Nathan 1845 1927 A loving father and husband . H .
Sommer Sylvain Aug. 17, 1874 Apr. 23, 1919 . . H .
Sommer Therese Wolbrette June 26, 1881 Dec. 31, 1943 . . H .
Sontheimer Bertha Rothschild Mar. 16, 1847 Nov. 15, 1921 . . . .
Sontheimer Isaac Apr. 20, 1845 Nov. 12, 1923 . . . .
Spinner Warren Arthur Sept. 20, 1947 Nov. 19, 2003 Beloved husband and father . Hebrew .
Spiro Kathy S. Aug. 11, 1924 Oct. 19, 2006 Beloved wife, mother and grandmother . H .
Spiro Meyer J. Aug. 18, 1917 Aug. 22, 1999 Our Beloved Poobie . H .
Stabinsky Martha Oppenheimer May 16, 1867 May 7, 1900 . . . .
Stark Babette . .May 18, 1877 .Aged 72 years . Hebrew .
Stark M. Reichenberg . Oct. 3, 1882 Wife of S. Stark Aged 39 years . .
Staton Donald Harold De. 30, 1938 Aug. 27, 2004 Beloved father and friend . H .
Steckler Jacob Mar. 10, 1853 Mar. 20, 1924 . . H .
Steckler Sara Hass Dec. 3, 1867 Jan. 12, 1944 . . H .
Steckler William Mar.15, 1892 July 27, 1953 . . H .
Steeg Adolph William Sept. 6, 1874 Mar. 17, 1933 . . H .
Stember August . Apr. 6, 1907 Native of Lebau Russia Age 69 Yrs. . .
Stember Caroline Levy July 20, 1846 Mar. 29, 1910 Native of Herxheim, Rhinepfalz, Germany Wife of August Stember Age 65 years . .
Stember Jacob May 20, 1873 Mar. 3, 1896 Son of August Stember and Caroline Levy . H .
Stern Bernhardt June 25, 1832 Mar. 28, 1908 Born in Windeken Germany Died in New Orleans, LA. . .
Stern Henrietta Halfin June 18, 1818 Apr. 27, 1891 Wife of Levi Stern Native of Dahn, Germany H
Stern Jacob Sept. 25, 1860 Oct. 6, 1902 Born in Victoria Tex. . H .
Stern Karl Aug. 21, 1882 Feb 18, 1887 . . .
Stern Levi . Oct. 10, 1888 . . Hebrew
Stern Paul June 27, 1888 Sept. 19, 1895 . . H .
Stern Perry . July 12, 1896 Our Darling Boy 13 years old . .
Stern Rachel Leopold Feb. 18, 1862 Feb. 19, 1935 . . H .
Stiebel Carrie Mayer Jan. 6, 1869 Jan. 9, 1957 . . H .
Stiebel Samuel June 1, 1856 Dec. 28, 1927 . . H .
Stolier Marian Nov. 23, 1927 Apr. 22, 2007 Beloved wife and pal . H .
Strauss Abraham Jan. 7, 1854 Jan. 22, 1916 . . H .
Strauss Edythe Schneider Jan. 13, 1907 Sept. 2, 1992 Dearly beloved wife mother and Grandmother H .
Strauss H. Alvin Oct. 13, 1904 Nov. 16, 1988 Devoted husband father and grandfather He rejoiced in God's great gifts H .
Strauss Henrietta Feitel Aug. 5, 1881 Dec. 31, 1942 Wife of Solomon Strauss . H .
Strauss Moise Mar. 18, 1873 Apr. 30, 1948 Native of Alsace . H .
Strauss Phoebe 1868 1940 . . H .
Strauss Solomon Dec. 27, 1874 Jan. 29, 1940 Native of Alsace . H .
Streiffer Amelie May May 17, 1922 Oct. 6, 1923 . . Hebrew .
Streiffer Florence C. June 6, 1919 Mar. 10, 1997 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Streiffer Infant Son Dec. 3, 1924 Dec. 28, 1924 Infant son of Louis L. Streiffer and Sarah Finger H .
Streiffer Louis Leon Oct. 12, 1895 Oct. 30, 1953 . . H .
Streiffer Moritz Apr. 19, 1871 July 28, 1936 . . . .
Streiffer Sally . Aug. 26, 1904 Sol. Streiffer husband 26 Years H .
Streiffer Sarah Finger May 28, 1896 May 17, 1984 . . H .
Streiffer Simon L. July 12, 1918 Sept. 7, 1989 Beloved husband, father and Grandfather Hebrew .
Streiffer Tillie July 4, 1872 July 6, 1945 . . . .
Suarez Rosa Goldenberg Nov. 18, 1887 Mar. 22, 1919 Wife of Joseph Suarez . . .
Suffrin Adessa Miller Apr. 1, 1893 Sept. 11, 1969 Beloved parents and grandparents . H .
Suffrin Herman Manuel Aug. 19, 1879 Dec. 8, 1948 Beloved parents and grandparents . H .
Switzer Bernard July 6, 1851 Sept. 26, 1912 Father . . .
Switzer Leopold . July 14, 1927 In his seventy third year . H .
Tatar Colletta R. May 6, 1912 May 12, 1993 Beloved wife . H .
Tatar Colonel David July 16, 1909 June 18, 1995 Beloved Husband . H .
Taul Esrael Mar. 19, 1864 May 29, 1930 . . H .
Taul Sarah S. Jan. 15, 1868 May 18, 1941 . . H .
Terouen David . Mar. 4, 1891 Aged 55 years Born in Paris, France H .
Trager Eva A. 1854 1920 . . H .
Trager Louis . Aug. 4, 1905 in his 63rd year May his soul rest in peace Hebrew .
Traub Emile Sept. 15, 1837 June 25, 1883 Born in Hildesheim, Hannover Died in New Orleans . .
Traub Marian Kratzenstein . Nov. 7, 1903 Widow of Emile Traub and Louis Rosenbaum Aged 61 years H .
Traube Emma Scharff . Apr. 8, 1932 Passed to eternal rest . H .
Traube Sigmund July 15, 1866 Mar. 15, 1950 . . H .
Turk Dora Goldstein Mar. 8, 1867 Aug. 20, 1912 Mother . . .
Turk Jacob Jan. 21, 1851 Apr. 26, 1940 Father . . .
Ury Mary Oppenheimer . Jan. 1, 1896 Wife of Moses Ury A native of Alsace France H .
Ury Sara Feb. 28, 1852 June 22, 1926 . . . .
Villner Clara D. Feb. 5, 1879 Oct. 9, 1951 . . H .
Villner Louis Feb. 22, 1882 June 19, 1949 . . H .
Vizelberg Arkady June 6, 1934 July 23, 1998 Beloved husbannd, father and dedushka . H .
Waldauer Abraham Feb. 3, 1818 Aug. 19, 1867 Born in ?r?pi?Ingen, Bavaria . Hebrew .
Washofsky Cecile Klein Mar. 21, 1940 May 1, 1998 Beloved wife and mother 5 Iyar 5758 H .
Watsky Jules Dec. 26, 1909 Dec. 10, 2003 . . H .
Watsky Ruth Parody Sept. 3, 1904 Nov. 26, 1982 . . H .
Weil Alfred M. 1848 1928 . . H .
Weil Amelia Leopold 1862 1933 . . H .
Weil David T. May 8, 1855 Nov. 10, 1932 . . H .
Weil Ernest M. Apr. 6, 1861 Dec. 1, 1916 . . H .
Weil Jacob IMG 5393 5396 . . . . .
Weil Jacob . . . . . .
Weil Janette Lemle Feb. 7, 1836 Dec. 21, 1915 . . H .
Weil Josephine Leopold 1868 1942 . . H .
Weil Julius Sept. 5, 1863 July 26, 1890 Born in ?aunstadt, Rheinpfalz . H .
Weil Mathilde Heinemann May 11, 1865 Jan. 30, 1921 . . H .
Weil Mathilde S. Sept. 10, 1868 June 22, 1931 . . H .
Weil Maurice . Nov. 17, 1886 Native of Alsace . Hebrew
Weil Menna Oct. 27, 1836 1851 or 1854 Beloved wife of Alfred Weil . H .
Weil Michael 1870 1929 . . H .
Weil Rachel Switzer, Mrs. A. Apr. 8, 1858 Aug. 23, 1906 From her beloved husband and children . H .
Weil Sam'l Jan. 23, 1859 Sept. 17, 1936 . . H .
Weil Samuel Seligman Mar. 20, 1860 June 14, 1926 . . H .
Weil Sara Meyer June 20, 1817 Dec. 28, 1915 . . M .
Weil Sophie Rindsfus . Dec. 17, 1881 Born at Biligheim, Bavaria Wife of A. Weil H .
Weill Miriam Massman Jan. 22, 1836 Oct. 18, 1908 Wife of Julius Weill . H .
Weinberger Milton N. Dec. 24, 1899 Dec. 20, 1954 . . H .
Weinberger Sara B. Nov. 13, 1904 Dec. 7, 1987 . . H .
Weinburg Babette March June 27, 1834 Aug. 1, 1872 Born at Hechingen Ger. Died at Harrisonburg, La. Hebrew .
Weiner Ivan Jay, M. D. Jan. 4, 1934 Mar. 20, 1999 Beloved husband & father . H .
Weinstein Alvin Maynard Sept. 7, 1924 May 2, 1949 . . H .
Weinstein Augusta Miller Oct. 3, 1895 Aug. 15, 1930 Wisdom and kindness were ever her's Though lost to sight to memory always dear H .
Weinstein Carrie Lobstein . Jan. 22, 1906 wife of Abe Weinstein . H .
Weinstein Nathan H. Mar. 17, 1885 Sept. 23, 1938 . . H .
Welch Rosilie Oppenheimer . Aug. 5, 1895 A native of Alsace Wife of Gutlip Welch Aged 89 years H .
Welsch Alexander H. Sept. 8, 1911 June 17, 1928 . . H .
Welsch Annie Goldenberg Feb. 4, 1914 Nov. 20, 2008 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother and Great Grandmother H .
Welsch Arnold M. Oct. 9, 1907 Apr. 12, 1908 Infant son of Henry Welsh and Eva Joseph Our darling babies H .
Welsch Carrie Levy 1882 1962 . . H .
Welsch Eva Joseph Dec. 6, 1879 Aug. 29, 1937 . . H .
Welsch Eva Simon Mar. 23, 1886 Feb. 1, 1940 . . H .
Welsch Felix Aug. 31, 1909 Sept. 14, 1909 Infant son of Henry Welsh and Eva Joseph Our darling babies H .
Welsch Felix 1842 1909 Schirhoffen, Alsace, Ger. . H .
Welsch Felix Henry Jan. 4, 1814 Feb. 7, 1986 Beloved Father . H .
Welsch Felix Morris Sept. 30, 1932 Sept. 28, 1951 . . H .
Welsch Gottlieb . Sept. 1, 1908 Native of Schirhofen, Alsace Ger. Aged 62 years H .
Welsch Gottlieb . Aug.1, 1870 55 years old . Hebrew .
Welsch Henry Dec. 18, 1876 Sept. 21, 1923 . . H .
Welsch Isidore 1868 1926 . . H .
Welsch Jacob May 6, 1894 Apr. 10, 1955 . . H .
Welsch Leopold May 26, 1875 Oct. 7, 1937 . . H .
Welsch Lou, Sr. Sept. 11, 1878 Oct. 28, 1960 . . H .
Welsch Marie Heyman 1850 1934 . . H .
Welsch Miriam Gilston Sept. 29, 1899 May 7, 1977 . . H .
Welsch Moses July 8, 1880 May 2, 1902 Those who knew him best loved him most . H .
Welsch Samuel . . Born is Soli or Sch????? . Hebrew .
Wexler David Frank Oct. 16, 1906 Apr. 25, 1986 Beloved husband father and grandfather H .
Wexler Margaret Sheeren Oct. 17, 1915 Dec. 25, 2001 Beloved wife mother and grandmother . H .
Wexler Max I. Feb. 4, 1911 July 28, 1964 Beloved Parents . H .
Wexler Rosalyn F. Nov. 23, 1919 Apr. 13, 1997 Beloved Parents . H .
Wiener Julius Howard Jan. 12, 1868 Nov. 16, 1895 Born Mobile, Ala. . H .
Williams Peter Garrett Feb. 27, 1939 Dec. 18, 2007 Loving husband and father . H .
Winsberg Herman W. Dec. 7, 1900 Feb. 25, 1948 . . H .
Winsberg Jacob Mar. 18, 1873 May 8, 1937 May their memory be a blessing . H .
Winsberg Sadye Rae Sept. 5, 1908 May 23, 1972 . . H .
Winsberg Sarah S. Jan. 8, 1879 Sept. 29, 1973 May their memory be a blessing . H .
Winsberg Winfred Julius Jan. 8, 1905 Mar. 14, 1989 . . H .
Winstein David Dec. 18, 1909 Dec. 15, 1997 . . H .
Winstein Margaret Eastment Jan. 22, 1911 Apr. 14, 1977 . . H .
Winters Bertha Jan. 26, 1876 Feb. 22, 1935 . . . .
Winters Charlotte Dec. 10, 1851 July 7, 1932 . . . .
Winters Marie Feb. 12, 1888 Oct. 26, 1916 . . H .
Winterton Fannie Welsch Apr. 18, 1870 Jan. 28, 1965 . . H .
Wolbrette Anna Moyse Oct. 18, 1851 Sept. 28, 1898 Wife of David Wolbrette . H .
Wolbrette David Dec. 30, 1853 Nov. 13, 1920 Died in Colorado Springs . H .
Wolbrette Samuel Dec. 20, 1879 Jan. 15, 1929 . . H .
Wolf Carre Elias May 7, 1852 Feb. 20, 1926 . . H .
Wolf Emil . M??. 20, 1871 . . Hebrew .
Wolf Jake Nov. 18, 1864 Oct. 20, 1912 Beloved husband of Julia Katz . H .
Wolf Josephine 1826 Mar. 19, 1868 Died in New Orleans . Hebrew .
Wolf Julia Katz Oct. 22, 1866 Apr. 14, 1938 . . H .
Wolf Julius Jan. 11, 1868 . . . . .
Wolf Louis . June 23, 1856 Aged 40 Years Of Bechingen (Rheinbayern) Hebrew .
Wolf Moses . Aug. 28, 1855 5610 Aged 22 Years Of Bechingen (Rheinbayern) Hebrew .
Wolf Simon K. Oct. 1, 1819 Jan. 26, 1890 Born at Lambsheim, Germany . H  
Wolff Harry Feb. 4, 1888 Dec. 6, 1929 . . H .
Wolff Jacob . Nov. 15, 1895 Aged 40 years . H .
Wolff Jennie . Oct. 25, 1903 Born in Russia Aged 40 years H .
Wolff Madeline Heymann . Apr. 17, 1904 Age 4 mo. 18 days . . .
Wolff Maurice J. May 19, 1879 Sept. 5, 1903 . . H .
Wolff Phenie Schultz Apr. 24, 1864 Mar. 19, 1927 . . H .
Wolff Sarah Zacharias Jan. 1, 1840 May 18, 1904 Wife of Bert Wolff Our Mother H .
Wolff Sigmund . Apr. 11, 1891 Age 25 years . H .
Wolfson Marcia Simmon July 3, 1946 July 25, 1993 Beauty and Grace Beloved mother and wife H .
Wolfson Melville Zacuta Aug. 15, 1941 Nov. 12, 2000 Wit and Wisdom Beloved father and husband H .
Wolfson Welville Aug. 17, 1916 Mar. 31, 1997 He had an understanding heart . H .
Yarrut Eva Levenberg Apr. 1, 1894 Oct. 23, 1979 . . . .
Yarrut Louis H. June 15, 1894 Mar. 22, 1986 . . . .
Yarutzky Abr. Nov. 17, 1867 May 1, 1899 Born at Natchez, Miss. . H .
Yarutzky Tillie Loeb Feb. 28, 1865 Jan. 2, 1896 Wife of Abr. Yarutzky . H .
Yava Jack Apr. 27, 1908 Dec. 31, 1987 Beloved Father . H .
Yava Mary Friedman Oct. 3, 1914 Mar. 17, 1987 Beloved mother . H .
Zerlin David L. Jan. 31, 1926 Feb. 20, 1985 . . H .
Zeve Alus Samuel Feb. 27, 1888 Aug. 24, 1947 . . H .
Zeve Hermina Finger Mar. 17, 1898 May 2, 1981 . . H .
Zion Saul Feb. 26, 1920 Aug. 1, 1944 Louisiana PFC 26 Armd Inf Regt World War II . .
Zoller Bernard 1890 1965 . . H .
Zoller Bernard Irving, Jr. Feb. 5, 1920 Feb. 13, 2001 . . H .
Zoller David Nathan Dec. 26, 1922 Sept. 17, 1944 Louisiana 1st Lieut 12 Inf 4 Inf Div World War II . .
Zoller Esther 1896 1982 . . H .
Zoller Fannie Wilk May 26, 1896 Jan. 28, 1963 . . H .
Zoller Myrtle Plonsky Sept. 13, 1916 Jan. 5, 1985 . . H .
Zoller Tobias Aug. 8, 1898 Feb. 4, 1975 . . H .
Zussman Irving Wolf Mar. 1, 1917 Sept. 26, 1990 Lt. Col. U. S. Army Rtd. . H .
Zwikel Chae May 1842 Oct. 1935 Mother of Sam Cohen . H .

Gates of Prayer Cemetery
New Orleans, Louisiana
Photo by Lynn Franklin